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#110 : Loup Contre Loup

Ecrit par : Jeremy Carver & Anna Fricke
Réalisé par : Paolo Barzman


Les anciens vampires arrivent et enlèvent Josh. Aidan doit se sacrifier pour sauver son ami.

Guests : Vlasta Vrana (Douglas), Lorne Brass (Carlo), Lena Kleine (Jane), Adrien Burhop (Stolzfus), Arthur Holden (Brink), Matthew Boylan (Fedder), Tomás Ross (le fils d’Aidan), Aurélie Morgane (une vampire), et Tony Arvanitis (un vampire).


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Dog Eat Dog

Titre VF
Loup Contre Loup

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Sneak Peek





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Photo de l'épisode #1.10

Photo de l'épisode #1.10

Photo de l'épisode #1.10

Photo de l'épisode #1.10

Photo de l'épisode #1.10


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Etats-Unis (inédit)
Lundi 21.03.2011 à 00:00

Plus de détails

L'Épisode commence avec la voix off d'Aidan qui parle de l'immortalité qui vous force à vivre avec vos péchés. Dans un flashback Nous voyons Marcus et des cercueils à la recherche d'un corbillard en compagnie d'Aidan et Bishop, avant que ce dernier soit à la tête de la" famille". Bishop semble être amoureux d'une humaine, et Aidan désapprouve. La voix off poursuit en disant que le voyage pour l'éternité seul ne vaut rien.

Retour à l'époque actuelle, Rebecca réagit violemment à la mort de Bernie. Elle demande à Aidan comment il a fait quand son propre fils est mort. Aidan réagit avec violence. Les deux sont interrompus par Bishop qui leur demande de partir. Les habitants des vieux cercueils , sont les néerlandais . Aidan explique à Rebecca que ce sont des  vampires âgésqui sont venus des Pays-Bas et ils ont choisi de se cacher dans le pays Amish parce que c'est la chose la plus proche de leur mode de vie orthodoxe. Il raconte aussi que Bishop n'a pas l'intention de rester pour la réunion, comme il ne fait plus partie de la famille.

À la maison, Josh utilise un quite main libre pour communiquer avec Sally pour ne pas passer pour un fou en public. Il écaille du maïs pour faire un barbecue. Sally dit à Josh qu'elle pense qu'il est gentil,qu'il a quelqu'un qui lui fait sentir comme si elle était en vie. Josh lui dit qu'elle est quelque chose, ici avec lui et Aidan. Elle n'est pas d'accord parce qu'elle est toujours dans l'obscurité et ne pourra jamais les aider. Josh se promène dans l'allée et nous entendons des pneus grincer. Sally se précipite et trouve le maïs par terre, mais aucun signe de Josh.

Encore une fois dans un flashback, Bishop se trouve deavant un hôpital avec une infirmière, il lui dit combien il a besoin d'elle. Ils partagent un baiser et il ui propose de partir, mais elle pense que sa vie n'est pas naturelle, et que ce serait tricher avec Dieu. Aidan raconte à Bishop q'il ne peut pas garder sa relation.

Dans le présent, Marcus et Bishop attendrent que les Hollandais se réveillent. Hegeman ouvre son cercueil. Josh se réveille dans une cage. Un homme du nom de Douglas lui dit que les vampires combattent de loups-garous et que c'est un sport. Le gagnant continue de lutter, le perdant meurt. Douglas est l'actuel champion.

Les Hollandais sont réveillés,à en  juger la mascarade de la maison funéraire,Aidan arrive pour sauver les apparences, Bishop raconte aux Hollandais le divertissement du soir; le combat avec le loup. Ils s'aventurent au sous-sol, où Josh et Douglas sont examinés par les hollandais .

Dans un flash back les Hollandais expliquent qu'ils ont dû mourir pour permettre à Bishop de procéder à l'hérésie de sortir avec une humaine. Les Hollandais lui offrent le contrôle de la famille de Boston s'il abandonne la jeune fille.

Dans le sous-sol, Josh est de retour dans sa cage tandis que Douglas écrit quelques notes. Il questionne au sujet d'Aidan. Josh pense qu'Aidan doit avoir une raison de ne pas agir et essaie de convaincre Douglas de l'aider à sortir. Douglas a trop peur. Josh pense qu'il a eu un lavage de cerveau et Douglas admet qu'il ne pense plus à essayer de s'échapper. Josh pose des questions sur ses notes.

A l'appartement, Aidan cherche des clés dans sa chambre , afin de libérer Josh. Sally se sent concernée, mais il ne veut pas qu'elle s'impliquer. De Retour au sous-sol, Josh et Douglas sont à la recherche de notes lorsque Sally apparaît. Apparemment, tous les vampires sont respectueux des fantômes . Elle leur dit qu'Aidan a un plan.

Aidan supplie Rebecca de séduire  Marcus pour l'éloigner. Elle refuse à cause de Bernie et Aidan lui dit que c'est un moyen de prendre sa revanche. Sally disparait et reconnaît Rebecca à partir du DVD. Rebecca raconte à Sally,qu' elle sait comment elle se sent, elle lui souhaite bonne chance pour libérer Josh, puis part. Sally demande à Aidan pourquoi il a aidé les vampires . Aidan lui dit qu'il ya un ordre de choses.

Retour dans le vieux monde, Bishop en tant que nouveau chef de famille est obligé de vivre dans l'ombre. Aidan lui dit que leur but est enfin atteint et que Bishop doit se séparer de la jeune fille. Aidan lui rappelle qu'il avait une famille il y a longtemps aussi avant qu'il le transforme. Aidan lui dit qu'il ferait mieux de le laisser partir avant qu'il ne le trahisse plus tard.

Retour dans le présent, une foule est prête pour le combat en cage de loup. Aidan dit à Bishop, que s'il permet à Josh de partir, il reviendra dans la famille.

Marcus provoque Josh dans sa cage tandis que Sally les regarde. Josh est enchaîné et recouvert d'une bâche, avant d'être boulonné à une chaise. Bishop  chuchote quelque chose à Marcus qui le choque . Bishop raconte aux Hollandais,qu'il ya eu un problème avec l'ancien loup et que la lutte a été annulée par respect pour ceux qui ont placé des paris. Hegeman dit à Bishop qu' il devrait revenir dans la famille au lieu de combattre, mais Bishop refuse. Josh achève sa transformation, et se libére des chaînes . Marcus s'excuse auprès de Bishop, en disant qu'il ya eu un problème avec Douglas.

Plus tard dans l'appartement, Josh ne sait pas comment vivre , après avoir vraisemblablement tué Douglas . Aidan lui dit qu'une première victoire reste toujours . Aidan explique alors à Josh et Sally qu'il doit aller avec les vampires, du moins pour quelques temps. Sally est bouleversée et Aidan explique que c'est une partie du code d'honneur d'un vampire. Sally ne voit pas l'honneur dans cette situation.

Josh est confus, parce que la maison et cette recherche de la normalité et que c'est Aidan qui en a eu l'idée tout d'Aidan.

Flashback: Bishop se faufile dans l'hôpital pour voir, Jane. Ils s'embrassent et il lui raconte comment il aime son dynamisme et la façon dont elle est vivante. Puis il l'oblige à convenir avec lui que leur relation n'est pas naturelle,il l'étrangle, et laise son corps inanimé sur un lit d'hôpital.

Aidan voit Bishop parler avec les Hollandais dans la rue. Aidan veut les chasser, et il est d'accord.

Immortality is an easy thing to take for granted. You figure: you've got forever: what's a little mistake here and them? But that? the thing about forever: The choices you make, the people you lose, your mistakes are indelible, with no sweet death to erase your own memory.
(garage door opening) (man singing folk rock) You may think the greatest reward of eternal fife is the power it gives you.
You're untouchable.
- Whatever's going on with you, stow it! - I'm fine.
- You're brooding over your girl when we have business to attend to.
And the Dutch will smell every inch of her human stink all over you.
(laughing) - 'Will you give me a hand, please? What do you want me to say? It's a relationship.
It's complicated.
- It's ridiculous.
- You know what? I don't expect you to understand.
- That you've completely lost your mind? Excuse me for not understanding.
- Shh-shh.
You think they'll understand, huh? Being shunned for a human? You think they'll care? Bishop, we don't even know why they're here and you wanna step out! What? To go courting? Now? - She's pulling away from me, Aidan.
I can feel it.
So? - So - You know what? Just go.
- Carlo, I gotta go.
- Where? - Better you go now before they wake up.
(door opening) (Bishop): The power is a perk, something to make your endless passing days more bearable.
But to rule the world alone is worthless.
(Rebecca screaming) - Listen to me! Listen! He was out of control! It is impossible for a child that young to control what this is! - So you couldn't teach him like you said you'd teach me? I believed you! - I know! - Bernie believed you! - I know! I hate myself! Enough for both of us.
Listen to me.
Bernie (breathing heavily) But when you've been alive for as long as I have, you begin to understand or see.
- He was the closest thing I'll ever have to a son. The closest thing I'll ever have to sharing my blood.
L-m sorry- (exhaling) - Your son Were you there when he died, like you were with Bernie? - Don't ever talk about my son! - Hey! Take your situation elsewhere.
They'll be awake soon.
Who? - Hegeman and the others.
- Um, the the Dutch are here? - Who the hell are the Dutch? - Listen.
Shh! The Dutch, they are our elders.
They originate from the Netherlands.
They hide in Amish country, because it's the closest thing to an orthodox lifestyle that they can find.
Hey, you need to be careful! The Dutch are intense.
It doesn't matter how many there are.
Even if there's a few, a whisper from them sends a trigger to Pennsylvania, to the families in Chicago and New York.
- I don't need protection! Especially from you! - Yes, well, shall we? - I'm not staying here! Look, Bishop, I'm not a member of this family anymore.
I don't have to put on a show for them.
- Hmm.
I see.
You're sure you don't wanna stay? Tell Hegeman in person how you suck on hospital bags and live with a werewolf? 'Cause he just loves to hear updates on modern customs.
- He doesn't need to know.
Hegeman doesn't care about me.
- Oh, on the contrary, my friend.
You're the great warrior.
I understand your wish to be free of us, but I'm good that way.
Hegeman is 1,010.
He's old-fashioned.
To him the way you live is an insult to the empire they've built.
- Are you husking corn for your lady? I love it! (chuckling) Are you also making pie? Because you should.
Oh, wow! Are you trying to look like a douche? - I'm trying not to look like a crazy person talking to myself.
- Oh, smart! So what time are you going over to Nora's? - Half-hour.
I figure a daytime barbecue should be safe.
- Oh right, right.
Full moon tonight.
How are you pulling this off? - I'm barely pulling it off.
She just gets that some things are private.
You know? I feel almost like a person when I'm with her.
- Yeah.
Must be nice.
- I'm sorry things didn't work out with Nick.
- Ah I'm not sad about Nick per se.
Would've gotten messy.
$099?'- But at least, for a little while there, I felt solid like I had a semi-real life.
I was a part of something.
- You're a part of something here.
- I'm not.
- You are.
- You guys go off and live your crazy monster lives, and I barely have any idea what's going on.
And sometimes what's going on is dark and awful and I can't do anything to help you.
- You do things! Hey, you remember that time that you totally freaked Nora out? - Unintentionally! I want intention! I want impact! I want corn! - It just gets stuck in your teeth.
All right.
I'll be right back.
(car door slamming, tires screeching) - Josh? Josh? (sighing) - I feel silly eating alone.
Can't you at least pretend to want a sandwich? - I'm sorry, I don't mean to stare.
I just love looking at you.
- I suppose it must be nice to be the way you are, not to want anything.
- That's not true.
I need you.
Give me a kiss.
(giggling) - Mm-mm.
'What? What's the matter? - It's my birthday next week.
- I know.
We're going to Vermont! (siren wailing in distance) - I just keep getting older.
- We talked about this, dear.
It doesn't have to be this way.
I can change that.
- I don't want you to.
- I want- - I can't do that.
- I want this to last forever.
- It's not natural.
We'd be cheating God.
My shift is starting.
We'll talk later.
(whistling) - Hope she's worth it.
Just turn her.
Then you can be together forever in a normal relationship, not this whatever this is.
Did I mention she's human? - You don't think I've tried to convince her? She doesn't want it.
- Then you need to move on.
Carrying on with a human you can't turn, it spits in the face of our people.
- One day you'll understand, Aidan.
I respect her.
I I respect her humanity.
- Well (exhaling) I've been sent for you.
Carlo wants us to entertain them.
Think about what this looks like, man, to Hegeman, to the rest of them.
- What? They're not gonna miss me.
It's Carlo they're sniffing around.
- Oh, so you abandon him? Huh? Now? God! Your family needs you now.
(sighing) (church bells tolling) Just do it.
She'll thank you in the end.
(cellphone ringing) (ring tone): Hey sexy Hey hey hey SEXY - Hegeman.
- Drink.
- The last 50 years have been kind to you, old friend.
Obviously, the rural life is treating you well.
(grunting) (exhaling) - Ugh - They can be a little brutish.
(Josh grunting) (breathing heavily) - What the hell is this? - My name is Douglas.
What's your name? - No No! No! No! You You tell me what's going on here! You tell me what's going on here! I was home.
I was doing things.
And then No, you tell me what this is! Tell me what this is! - You're a werewolf, son.
For them, this is sport.
- Vampires? - Of course.
They call me the Professor.
- Well, that's nice.
You've been down here for a while.
You've got yourself a little nickname.
Who's Would you let me out of here?! Let me out! - It doesn't matter.
We're in the bowels of their little empire.
They're faster, stronger until tonight, that is.
Tonight, you turn.
- Yes, I know.
And I would like to not do it down here with you, sir.
- That's why they've brought you here.
It's a dogfight, son.
The moon gets high, they watch you turn.
They drool over your tortures.
They bet money on who will rip who to shreds.
- You're serious? - The winner keeps fighting trapped the other 29 days of the month.
- And the loser? - The loser dies.
- So where's the other guy? They keep him locked in a an isolation room with a piece of raw meat or something? - For the last 15 years, they've kept me here.
- You painted.
- Uh, yes.
Um, eight? - Ten.
- Ten.
Ten years ago.
It Our clients find it more soothing.
- And you find your clients soothing, as well.
- It's a business.
It funds what we need.
- To commingle with humans? To pretend you care about their dearly departed's death? I would've hoped you'd done away with this little charade.
- And live on a farm'? - Be what you are.
- Brother, it was decided long ago, different strokes for different sects.
- What's he have to say about it? - Stolzfus, Hegeman.
It's been along time.
- I remember you.
- So - ahem - gentlemen, in the absence of any set agenda, we've taken the liberty of providing some entertainment this evening.
(exhaling) And then tomorrow-- - 'Will be tomorrow - Of course.
Well, shall we? Take off your clothes.
- No.
- Take off your clothes.
(sniffing) Bend over.
'What? - Bend over.
- I think we have a winner.
- This all happened very spur-of-the-moment.
And who knows? Maybe he'll win.
I've got the blues I've got the blues I ain't got nothing but the blues - We missed you yesterday, Bishop.
- Yes, my apologies.
It was personal matters.
- 'Though, it's hard to complain, given the time this one showed us.
- I apologize.
There's a viewing going on.
- Who died? - A Jew.
- Sad.
- Now.
We understand you have news from Pennsylvania.
- Yes.
(blood spurting) I've got the blues (laughing) I ain't got nothing but the blues I ain't got nothing but the blues - What did he do? - He was your maker, wasn't he? - Yes.
- Yet you didn't rise up to defend him even after he let you carry out your heresy under his roof.
Maybe because even you with all your indiscretions even you realized that such sacrilege cannot go unpunished cannot be allowed to proliferate.
You've fallen, Bishop.
Let us help you up brother to brother.
- There's nothing you can do for me.
- I can give you Boston.
It was always meant to be yours before all this.
- I don't know what to say.
- Give up the girl Boston is yours.
- No.
- You knew one of them.
The vampire, you knew him.
- I did.
- Well that must complicate things for you.
- I'm sure there's a good reason.
- For his inaction? The company he keeps they're savage, heartless.
But you know that.
- We're strong.
We're strong now We're strong now.
We can get out of this.
We can jump the guards, get outside.
I mean, this is a funeral parlor, right? It's not freaking Alcatraz! - Sure.
We could do all of that.
Maybe get outside when the moon's at its fullest, run into a mother of three, who we proceed to rip apart.
- That's why they don't even lock you up.
'Cause they've got you brainwashed into thinking you're as monstrous as they are! - They don't lock me up because they know l would no longer try to escape.
Out there, I could hurt someone.
You'll see.
You live out there long enough, you turn someone.
- Not if you're careful.
- I always thought I was.
It's safer here.
Here it's contained.
- What are you doing with all those notes? - Probably nothing.
(sighing) - I have a notebook, too.
I was going to med school before.
I thought I could start to isolate the transformation, learn to stop it.
(inhaling) .
And? - Aidan, thank God! Josh is-- - I know.
- You know he's gone? How do you know that? - Here, I have them - Where are you coming from? I've been looking for you.
I went to the hospital! Aidan, he just vanished! I think you need to call the police! - No police! - What are you looking for? - Keys.
- Hey, I'm in this too! Talk to me.
Keys to what? - Sapp & Sons.
- The old funeral home on Kent St.
? Why? - Josh is there.
- You know where Josh is? And you have keys? - I had them along time ago.
I can't involve you in this.
- Aidan, I haven't been able to do anything! Someone somewhere down the line has gotta let me try! (sighing) - They're not here! - We need a plan! - I'll have one! - They let me study them afterward for physical traits, reactions, that sort of thing.
(whooshing) (Sally): Josh! - Hey! - There are vampires here.
A lot! And they are not respectful of ghosts.
I just popped in upstairs and they tried to dissipate me with a fire iron.
Not pleasant! We need to get you outta here! - Sally, this is Douglas.
Okay€ Hi.
I'm in the right place, right? Somewhere scary that you do not wanna be? - Yes.
Yeah, yeah.
But it's it's useless.
- Aidan has a plan.
- Yeah I saw Aidan and his buddies.
I'm pretty sure he doesn't have a plan.
In fact, I'm certain that we we don't remotely know what dark insanity he's wrapped up in.
- No, he's trying to be good! - I wanna believe that, too.
I do.
But I just keep thinking, if he was gonna do something, why why hasn't he done it yet? And he's a werewolf, too.
They're gonna make us fight each other.
Yes! That's the level of shock I was looking for.
- Okay, we need to psyche you up so you do really, really well.
Yeah, Josh, he's old.
You can take him! - Yeah, he's old.
He's stronger.
They've been keeping him down here for 15 years, Sally.
This this fight is all he does! And-and-and there's no "doing well.
" There's winning or there's dying.
I have to kill a man.
That's not who I am.
I can't do that.
- I think you have to.
(exhaling) - I can't fix what's happened between us, but for a second, please, I need you to put that aside.
You hate them as much as I do.
But, Marcus, he likes you.
He could be swayed by you.
- He wouldn't savagely murder my progeny.
Is that what you mean? - He has the keys to this place and I am sure that he would give them to you.
- Keys, Aidan? That's your big plan? - I could unlock the cage.
I could figure out-- - You can't bend the bars? - I don't know! Maybe.
I'm not Superman.
- And you don't drink live.
Why don't you ask Bishop extra-super sweetly? - Because this whole thing is being staged for the Dutch.
Bishop would never cross them.
And I would be slaughtered even before I got anywhere near Josh's door.
- Well, then it looks like you're running out of options, aren't you? - Josh is the only family I've got.
- It didn't have to be that way.
- This is not the way to take your revenge on me.
- Oh (whooshing) What is that? - Sally! No, you can't be here! - It's you, from the video.
- Oh, you shared! Oh, that's nice.
- Look, I don't know what the deal is between you two, and I don't really care No, sorry.
I do care because you've obviously scrambled his brains! Why aren't you doing something? - Oh, sweetie no one's gonna stop the crazy train in this place.
I suggest that you walk towards something white and pretty and just stay out of it.
- I'm not gonna let this happen to Josh.
- Good luck with that.
If it makes you feel any better, I understand how you feel.
Really, I do.
- Aidan you choose these monsters over us? - I am one of them! This goes back further than you could know.
And there is a way that I have to handle this! - By not doing anything? Okay, you had your centuries of badness.
I get that! But you committed to a new kind of life with us, with Josh, at least, who's actually living, who actually matters! - Okay-- - Look I obviously don't know you.
So you tell me have you ever in your endless life cared enough about anything to actually take a stand? (song): Pretty baby ooh wee - What is this, Aidan? It's a desk in a funeral-home garage.
It's life in the shadow.
- No, no, no, this is our reality.
This is what we have been working for.
All you had to do was say yes! - No, you don't understand.
- I don't understand? (laughing) I don't understand? Okay.
Uh I had a family.
You took it from me.
You took my life from me and then convinced me that we were gonna build something else, something made something that would celebrate our immortality! And you are squandering it! God, you are such a hypocrite! I used to honor you! I used to fear you! And now l can barely recognize what you are anymore! - I can't lose her, Aidan.
I'm sorry.
I can't lose her.
(breathing heavily) (crying) - Well, then you've lost me.
I can't trust you with my life the way that I once did.
And if you don't get rid of her I can't support you.
And they (whispering): They will kill you.
And I'm not gonna stay around to suffer your consequences and tidy up your mess.
Not anymore.
I'm done! - Aidan - I'm not gonna heed you.
I won't succumb to you, not ever again.
I renounce you as my maker.
- You would turn your back on me? - Oh smarten up, pal.
Because either I leave you now or I betray you later.
Tell me that you understand.
(accordion playing) (crowd shouting) I need you to let Josh go.
- I'm afraid it's a bit too late for that.
- I'll come back.
'With the understanding that if I do Josh walks out of here a free man.
- I'm sorry.
Could you be a little bit more specific? Come back-- - To you.
I'll come back to you.
(crowd cheering) (sirens wailing in distance) - Not long now, pup.
Come here, boy.
Come here! (Sally): Don't let the bastard scare you, Josh.
(exhaling) - Get undressed.
(cheering) Yeah! Yeah! Come on! Come on! Whoo! Come on! - Bishop (Josh screaming) (breathing heavily) (screaming) - Marcus! (Josh screaming) (continues screaming) I'm afraid I have some bad news, gentlemen.
The older wolf is sick.
It wouldn't be a fair fight, at least not fair for all those who have laid down money.
(grunting) - Argh! - I know how much you appreciate a good wolf fight, and I don't wanna disappoint you, so we'll just watch this one transform, and that should salvage the evening somewhat, no? - Or you could volunteer some of yours to go in there and fight him.
(Josh growling) - Well, Hegeman, that would be suicide.
And I'm I'm afraid I can't afford to lose any of my people.
- But you have so many.
So many.
(growling intensifying) (growling) - I'm afraid there was a bit of a problem.
(growling) - Stop it! You told me you would stop it! - Go ahead.
(growling) Go for the neck! Come on! Look at your little friend, the cowardly lion.
Come on! (whimpering) - I don't know how to live with myself.
- It stays with you.
The first time, I I couldn't even blink without seeing that man's face.
- Why didn't they lock me up like Douglas? What did you do? - Something that was gonna catch up with me anyway.
- What the hell does that mean? - I have to go back to them.
At least for a little while.
- You'd go back there? - Bishop, he-he did me a-a favour, and I have to do this for him.
- Oh - It's a code of honor between us.
- Where exactly is the honor in that? 'With them? - You should know, Sally, that what you said it mattered.
I was scared, selfish even.
It's really you who saved Josh.
- And doomed you? Aidan, no.
- Sally's right.
What I saw in there How could you do that? How could you go back to that? When all this, this house it was all your idea in the first place.
I mean God, Aidan what are we supposed to believe in if we can't believe in you? - You can.
I just hope that you both can forgive me.
(door closing) 'Ah! How did you get in here? - People have a hard time saying no to me.
- Mm Except for you.
- James, I thought we agreed not to talk about that anymore.
- And we won't.
We won't have to.
- Are you all right? - Everything's okay, Jane.
Everything is just grand.
That's why I'm here.
- Is it? - I love how vibrant you are how alive But lately, I've been thinking It's not natural.
Don't you agree, Jane? - Yes, of course.
It's not natural at all.
- You see, because if you're here then I'm reminded of my weakness.
And you're a temptation to me.
And I have to be stronger than that, the way I used to be.
Do you have any idea who I used to be? (choking) My love That's right That's right (choking) We built something wonderful, you and I, Jane, but I'm afraid this is where it has to end.
You said so yourself.
And you were right.
You were just being true to yourself.
It's the same for me.
And I felt my love's presence Though she's far away Just a teardrop From heaven On a sunny day A teardrop from heaven Has shown me the way Maybe I've sinned (sirens blaring) It goes down.
But I'll be right back.
Glad you could make it! - Let's just get this over with.
They've lingered long enough.
- Right.
Well, would you like to be the one to tell them to leave? (scoffing) Then let's just get through this.
We'll embrace them like the genial hosts we are, let them sniff around Boston's battlegrounds and whatnot.
They'll say what they have to say and then they'll leave.
- They don't even like this city.
They're only here to judge us.
- And we judge them and their provincial farm life smelling of barn owls.
To each his own, Aidan.
It's worth another 50 years of peace.
- Fine.
- Gentlemen! Shall we get some dinner? (girls laughing) - What are they doing here? - I think we both know the answer to that.
Tomorrow they're gonna kill me.
It's good to have you back, Aidan.

Kikavu ?

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30.04.2023 vers 07h

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04.02.2018 vers 21h

06.01.2017 vers 23h

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choup37, 19.04.2024 à 19:45

Maintenant j'en ai plus que deux, je joue aussi sur kaa

CastleBeck, Hier à 11:48

Il y a quelques thèmes et bannières toujours en attente de clics dans les préférences . Merci pour les quartiers concernés.

Viens chatter !