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#109 : Je Veux Que Tu Reviennes (D'Entre Les Morts)

Ecrit par : Nancy Won
Réalisé par : Paolo Barzman


Aidan regarde Bernie mourir deux fois tandis que Sally re-connecte avec une vieille connaissance. Josh passe à l'étape suivante avec Nora.

Guests : Jason Spevack (Bernie Lanham), Cindy Sampson (Cindy Lanham), Pat Kiely  (Nicholas Fenn), et Charles Bender (Dr. Travis Reed).


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Titre VO
I Want You Back From The Dead

Titre VF
Je Veux Que Tu Reviennes (D'Entre Les Morts)

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Photo de l'épisode #1.09

Photo de l'épisode #1.09


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Etats-Unis (inédit)
Lundi 14.03.2011 à 00:00

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Josh commence la voix-off .Son monologue met l'accent sur la nécessité incessante que nous avons de nous connecter avec un autre. Sally traverse le purgatoire de l'hôpital pour les fantômes et voit une note sur le mur de quelqu'un nommé Nick.

Josh et Nora ont une conversation dans la cafétéria de l'hôpital.Aidan évite Bernie, celui ci est accosté par des voyous dans la rue. A l'intérieur de la maison, Sally  demande à Aidan pourquoi il ne va pas l'aidé, et Aidan explique qu'il ne peut pas à cause de son altercation avec sa mère la semaine dernière. Ils regardent, impuissants tandis que Bernie est heurté par une voiture. À l'hôpital, la mère de Bernie remercie Aidan . Mais il est trop tard les médecins ont fait tout ce qu'ils peuvent, mais il n'y a plus rien à faire. Bernie est mort. Aidan marche dans le couloir et éclate en sanglots. Sally se heurte à Nick, un vieil ami de collège et commence rattraper son retard.

Plus tard, à la maison, Sally raconte à Josh qu'elle avait le béguin pour Nick à l'université . Elle pense qu'il doit signifier quelque chose. Elle raconte à Josh que Nick et elle étaient destinés à être ensemble, mais sa rencotre avec Danny a changé tous ses plans. Josh ne pense pas qu'un  trio soit bien dans une relation, parce que les gens finissent par se blesser.

Au travail, Josh et Nora discutent d'une fête à venir pour les employés d'hôpitaux. Nora suggère qu'ils y aillent ensemble, Josh lui qui demande s'ils peuvent ralentir les choses. Nora lui dit qu'elle pense que les choses vont bien et Josh accepte finalrement.

Retour au bordel, ou Aidan a franchir la ligne . Rebecca l'oblige à arrêter. Elle lui dit qu'il a eu assez de sang.

Sally et Nick vont dans un restaurant branché, ou elle n'a jamais pu obtenir une réservation. Nick apprend l'arabe et raconte à Sally qu'il avait l'habitude de faire des choses comme hanter son ex , mais il a appris à tourner la page. Ils plaisantent. Nick se met à tousser quand Sally mentionne son béguin pour lui, et il se précipite dehors. Sally suit une série d'empreintes de pas mouillés dans une ruelle et trouve Nick suspendus à l'envers dans un nuage flottant d'eau, qui explose. Nick disparaît.

Nick trouve Sally et explique qu'il s'est noyé dans un accident de bateau et il le revit tous les jours . Il qualifie la situation de gérable, et lui demande au sujet de son beguin pourquoi elle n'en a jamais parlé. Ils s'embrassent.

Retour au bordel, Aidan dit à Rebecca à propos de Bernie. Rebecca pense qu'Aidan peut l'aider en le transformant, mais Aidan ne peut pas gérer tous les trois leurs dépendances. Le lendemain, le quartier érige un petit mémorial sur le trottoir pour Bernie. Aidan ramasse l'image de Bernie.

Dans le parc, Aidan attentd Rebecca. Bernie accourt vers lui. Aidan et Rebecca se battent pour savoir si Bernie peut se contrôler. Rebecca dit qu'elle a voulu donner à Aidan une raison de vivre. Au cours de leur combat, ils perdent la trace de Bernie.

Retour à la maison, Josh interrompt Sally et Nick . Sally s'excuse et les présentent. Nick partir, sachant qu'il est sur le point de revivre sa mort, mais Sally lui demande de rester et d'essayer de travailler avec elle. Josh revient quand il entend l'étouffement de Nick. Josh demande à Sally de expliquer, mais elle n'est pas disposée à le faire.

On passe à Bernie qui joue sur une balançoire quand une fille s'approche de lui. Il a surmonté sa soif de sang mais s'empare de son bras. Intervient Aidan. Bernie dit à Aidan qu'il n'a pas l'intention de lui faire du mal. Bernie demande à Aidan si c'est un super-héros et promet de ne jamais blesser personne.

À l'hôpital, Josh rencontre Nora et un autre médecin. Il les interrompt, en parlant de la fête. Ils se disputent; Nora suppose qu'il veut rompre.

Aidan rencontre la police et les deux tyrans qui s'étaient acharnés sur Bernie morts dans la rue. Bishop confronte Aidan, et lui demande s'il pensait vraiment pouvoir garder le secret de Bernie. Bishop lui rappelle qu'il existe des règles, même chez les vampires.

De Retour à la maison, Aidan raconte à Josh la situation. Josh se met en colère parce que Aidan se confie à lui, alors que c'est trop tard. Aidan lui dit qu'il a raison et que les choses sont hors de contrôle. Josh lui dit, même s'ils sont les meilleurs amis, il peut être préférable qu'il parte.

A l'hôtel, Rebecca tente de nourrir Bernie. Bernie refuse de boire du sang et veut voir sa mère. Il attaque Aidan, mais Rebecca l'en empêche avant d'informer Aidan qu'il doit quitter son emploi et rester à la maison avec sa nouvelle famille. Aidan prend alors Bernie, en lui disant qu'ils vont trouver quelque chose à manger.

Nick revient  voir Sally après son calvaire. Elle lui dit que ses éclats sont liés à ses émotions et elle pense que quelque chose en lui provoque cette répétition. Nick lui dit qu'il a l'habitude de penser qu'elle résulte de son incapacité à combattre sa mort et à nager. Sally lui suggère de laisser un message sur le mur à ce sujet. Nick lui dit que le seul moment qu' il se souvient, c'est quand il meurt chaque soir. Nick ne veut pas arranger sa souffrance. Elle ne comprend pas pourquoi il ne veut pas aller mieux.

À l'hôpital, Josh traque Nora et lui explique qu'il veut être avec elle, mais il y a cet inconnu dans sa vie. Elle apprécie son honnêteté. Il ne veut pas lui faire de mal, elle dit qu'elle n'a pas besoin de protection. Elle lui montre des cicatrices sur son ventre. Il demande ce qui lui est arrivé, et elle explique qu'elle n'a pas toujours trouvé le bon garçon.

Dans les bois, Aidan et Bernie chassent un cerf. Aidan dit à Bernie, qu'il n'a pas besoin d'un pistolet pour chasser. Aidan arrive derrière lui et lui plante un pieux. Plus tard, Aidan pleure, les mains salies par la terre après avoir enterré le corps de Bernie. À la maison funéraire, Marcus vient voir Bishop. Il remercie Marcus pour avoir tués les agresseurs de Bernie.

(Song): So You're feeling old today:
That awful need to touch someone, be touched, for some of us, it just won't die. Well, 25 is not exactly dying age. And eventually that need will take you to your breaking point.
(song): Still you'd like to be alone And spend your time at home (Aidan): Frankenstein': monster; poor bastard, couldn't stop reaching out.
(song): Catch up on all those things you've missed Since you've been gone - Come on.
Get your skateboard! - Stop it! - It's not that hard! - Dracula had it easy.
- Give that back! - He drank, he killed.
End of story.
- Leave me alone! - Get back here.
- He wasn't interested in being friends.
- You wanna go, like, call your dad? Oh, right! You don't have one.
- Aidan! .
Got any money? ' Stop it!
- I really, really wanna tell you something that just happened to me, but aren't you gonna go kick their little sociopath asses?
- I can't.
- They've been torturing Bernie all week! - You mean ever since his mom was screaming in the street that I'm a pervert.
If I so as much as look at Bernie, she rounds up the vigilantes with torches and baseball bats.
(song): The beam will keep you company When you are gone And this is all And this is all Somebody call 911! And this is all Give me some room! I need some - Bernie! Please, God! - It doesn't matter if you're dead, undead, or somewhere in be tween because it's you humans that haunt us.
And you won't let us go.
(EKG monitor beeping) Did you sleep at all? - I couldn't.
I just kept hoping maybe he'd wake up, and we could go home.
I could make him a sandwich.
And everything could just be normal.
His organs are failing.
(sniffling) - Cindy, I I am so sorry.
(sniffling) - Thank you.
And for the room and for getting the doctors here.
- I could ask them to come back if you wanna talk to them some more.
- I always thought you can't keep them inside, wrapped up in blankets like they're babies.
They have to know how to play in front of their own house.
- Of course they do.
- I could've stopped Bernie from running into the street.
I could've stopped those little sons-of-bitches from hurting him.
- I wish I I could've done something and I wish I could do something now.
- What could you possibly do? It's out of our hands now.
(phone ringing) (whimpering) (birds chirping) - Nick Fenn? (dog barking) You don't remember me? (laughing) - Sally Malik? Intro to Marxism and Class Conflict.
Ah Dying to stab a pen in the eye of any jerk-off that won't stop pontificating? - Bingo.
(laughing) - Wow! I didn't realize you were Are you dead? - I like to think of it as forever 23, but yeah.
I I saw your note at the hospital on the message wall.
- Oh, yeah.
I left that years ago.
I mean, you know, it was for the 'rents when they got here.
- Yeah.
I should probably do that too.
- Hey, how was What was it, China? Indonesia? - India.
- India.
- I never got there.
I got a boyfriend and he didn't want me to go.
And I was really into him.
- Did it at least last? - Oh, yeah.
Boyfriend became fiance bought a house, was gonna start a family.
- Wow! - Mm-hmm.
- Well, that's a serious 180.
I vividly remember a tirade against marriage.
- Yeah I guess I rebelled against rebelling.
- Hmm.
- Anyway I I never heard about you-- - Dying? - Yeah.
- Uh a few years back.
- Mm-hmm? - Um, it was pretty hairy.
- Mine too.
Hmm (laughing) I guess that's why we're here, right? Because it did not end well.
- Hmm.
- So we should hang out.
- Yeah, I'd like that.
- Do you wanna go watch people drink coffee? - Ahem.
Normally a specialty of mine, but, uh I gotta go.
- Oh.
- I'm here most days.
Swing by.
(metal slashing on TV) - Oh, really? Do they have to show the bloody heads flying towards us? - Says the woman that's obsessed with extreme surgery.
- You loved it when they rebuilt that guy's face.
And the patient's blotto on anesthesia.
It's not like watching thousands of Chinese get- - Mongol.
They're all Mongolian.
This is the pre-inception of the Chinese state.
- You're such a nerd.
(laughing) - Yes, but I'm a sexy nerd.
So I'm like a living oxymoron.
- I'm gonna get more popcorn.
- Okay.
- Don't pause it.
- It's not that bad.
Ow! Oh! - Somebody get disemboweled? 'Cause I do wanna see that.
- Everything's fine.
- Oh.
my God! - Oh.
my God! No! (screaming) (gasping, breathing heavily) - Nick was like a demigod in the classroom, even though he was only a TA.
He was brilliant and inspiring.
- Are you in the Dead Poets Society right now? - It's weird, right? He and I both die, years apart, and then find each other again in limbo? - You know what? You're a ghost talking to a werewolf making an egg-salad sandwich.
I no longer compute what's weird.
So, back then what happened between you two? - Class, coffee, intense sessions of editing my papers in his very small, stifling office.
- I thought Danny was the love of your life.
- This was pre-Danny.
And if I hadn't thought that Nick Fenn was so out of my league with his 5'11" Harvard Kennedy school girlfriend, I probably wouldn't have shacked up with Danny after five dates.
- Five dates! Jeez! - I'm a serial monogamist, without the "serial" part.
- Me too.
It's like an undiagnosed disease.
- Nick was always the one I was supposed to be with.
He would've never talked me out of moving to New York, working for the UN.
- You were gonna do all that stuff? - I was gonna try.
Is it totally crazy-town to pursue a relationship with someone when you're both dead? - Honestly, I don't know if any of us should be in relationships.
Anytime we try and connect, people just get hurt (sighing) OI' worse.
- Have you seen Aidan? - Not since he left work.
I'm worried about him.
(man): Good to see you, Mr. Aidan.
(song): You are so far above the ground You are So far above the ground You are So far above the ground - The nursing staff gets pretty hardcore about their theme parties.
I'm gonna stay for an hour, tops.
Are you going? - I guess.
- We should carpool.
And by that I mean, you drive, I get tipsy, if I can in 60 minutes.
- Oh, showing up at a work party together, that's kind of a big move.
- It's a ride.
People at the hospital know we're friends.
- Yeah, but we're not, right? Right? I mean, we're not just friends.
- Why are you being so weird? - I'm not! Weird Not! Okay, actually, there was I I was I've been thinking.
And I think we should just pace it down a little.
- Oh.
- Just a little.
- Okay, I I thought things were going pretty well.
- No, they are.
Really, really well.
I just wanna slow it down.
- Are you breaking up with me? - Oh, God, no, no! Not at all.
- Okay, then, yeah I definitely missed a chapter.
We went from animal sex in the break room to a frozen pizza and cuddling in front of a movie that I had to read.
I think that's slowing down.
- It's just developing like a Polaroid.
'What? - It's just I just wanna dial it back, a little bit, just so that we don't ramp up and get too intense.
I hope you understand.
- It's murky, but yeah, I think I'm beginning to see the bottom.
- Great.
(chuckling) Wow! That's really good.
I know it's just, like, cafeteria pudding, but holy cow! You know, I'm serious.
You need to try this.
You're not gonna believe this.
- I'm I'm good.
(song): Let's take it up Another notch (laughing) We used to think that we would Throw it all away Excuse me please But we 'm just paying for your mistakes (moaning) We wen-2 friends (screaming) (laughing) Let? disappear Let? disappear (heartbeat) - Aidan! Aidan! Stop it! They took it all Get out! And left us none - Get away from me! She's mine! - You've had enough! (bell dinging) - Uh I tried for eight months to get a reservation at this place.
You're a genius.
- Ooh, those look good.
- Oh, those shrimp make me wanna weep.
- So where do you hang out? - Uh home.
- Tell me you've at least watched the Sox from the dugout.
- Let me guess, you're also reading the collective works of Aristotle and jamming with Yo-Yo Ma.
- Oh, my God! Yeah, all right, well Intensive Arabic and Morrissey.
I haven't hung out with the great man, but you know what? I did sit in the front row and he did sweat on me.
- And and how do you take Arabic? - Uh well, there's a class that meets every day, and then I met some Egyptian expats.
They meet at this cafe on Beacon.
- Yeah.
- They don't really know that I am there, but, uh I talk at them.
- So, okay, yeah, I'm a total slacker shut-in ghost.
Yes, it's fine.
- No, no, you're new, all right? I spent the first six months crying and haunting my ex-girlfriend.
- God! All these ghost perks I never considered.
Like, I've never used my ghost powers to peep on naked people.
- Seriously, Sally? That's, like, Ghosting 101.
Not even.
That is It's, like, prereqs.
- I haven't.
Yeah, no, I have.
(chuckling) This is ridiculous.
You're dead.
I'm dead.
I can stop trying to impress you.
- You always impressed me.
- I did? - You know you did.
- Um did you I mean, you knew I had a violent crush on you, right? (coughing) YOU okay? Nick? (wheezing) (Aidan): He saw me.
And he wanted me to help him.
(Aidan sniffling) - Aidan, this is not your fault.
- Oh, no? That little boy is going to die.
- Except, you can You you could turn him.
(sighing, chuckling) - Yeah, look what that's done to you and me.
- We manage.
- I don't wanna manage anymore! - What does that mean? - Rebecca, what's the point? What is the point of having this power? I could save that little boy's life, but I'm not going to.
(crying): I'm just gonna sit and watch him die.
Hey"- Oh - Nick, you out here? (horn honking) (muffled screaming) Nick? Are you are you okay? (gasping) Nick! Uh (sobbing) .
Hey- (chuckling) - I thought you evaporated.
- I was kind of hoping that you missed that part.
- What was that part? - The big secret.
Howl kicked it.
(seagull cawing) I drowned.
- I don't understand.
Okay. A few years back, I took a boat out. The water was rougher than I thought. I capsized. My leg got caught in the anchor rope. I couldn't get free. I drowned! Uh And every day since then, I relive it.
- Why?
- I don't know. Why do some ghosts get their doors and some don't? I wish I could Google this crap, Sally.
(chuckling) Some ghosts refer to it as a death echo.
- How are you so sane? I feel like I would be one of those armless nut-jobs screeching by the message wall.
- At first, I thought I would be too.
But then, I was like, I don't know: "it's five minutes of my day.
" The rest of my time is what I make of it.
So how about telling me again about that violent crush you had on me? (laughing) - Uh not that you noticed.
- You're right.
I was too busy wondering why you never noticed me.
- I really wish I would've known that then.
I would've had a completely different death.
Holy crap! I felt that.
This is crazy! (laughing) We're ghosts! - I know.
- Like, right now, some jerk would walk by and be, like: "Get a room, slut!" "Don't need one, loser!" (laughing) Sorry.
okay-" Wow.
- You made it.
- You don't have to check up on me.
Bernie's gone and and I've put it away.
(sighing) - I'm allowed to worry about you.
(children playing) Life shouldn't have to be this miserable.
(Bernie): Aidan! Aidan! - You're so cold.
- I don't feel cold.
I feel a little weak.
Rebecca fixed me.
- What did you do?
- Bernie, maybe you should go play on the slide.
- Slide? I don't slide.
I'm in the 4th grade.
- Oh Uh, well - I guess I'll find something to do.
- Bernie, wait! - Aidan - Are you crazy? Do you think about what this means? He could kill someone! - Chill out.
- You can't turn a kid.
- I couldn't stand seeing you the way you were.
And Bernie didn't deserve to die.
- As a kid, he has no sense, no impulse control, even before you turned him into a blood-sucking monster.
- I haven't been feeding him live blood.
Only hospital blood.
You and I can raise him right! - Rebecca, I I don't know if you're delusional or naive or just plain stupid.
- Or maybe I just trusted you.
You promised me that you could keep us both clean.
That we'd go away and have a life.
Remember? Yeah, sure! We can live forever, but what is there to live for? - You can't experiment playing house with a kid.
- Whatever.
It's done.
- God, I I did this for you.
You think I wanted to? Oh, no! - What? Bernie Bernie! (both): Bernie! - Bernie! - Seriously? You're doing it in the kitchen! We we eat here.
I eat here! - Okay, where am I supposed to go, Josh? I don't have a bedroom.
(scoffing) - I forgot you can see us.
- Yeah, and your sex cloud, or whatever this is, it's gross, okay? It spreads out.
I'm afraid to breathe because I don't wanna inhale part of you.
- Wow Josh! So polite! By the way, this is Nick.
- Hi.
- Hey, Nick.
- Uh - He has girlfriend issues.
Okay' - Just issues.
- Uh I should probably flicker anyway.
Gotta, you know, die again.
- Um maybe you could Maybe you could work through your echo here.
- Hmm, okay.
What? Like an intervention/home-detox? - Well, maybe you just need something else to focus on.
Hmm? - Mwah! I'll be back before you can explode a lightbulb.
- Try.
- L
- Try.
(screeching) Nick, it's okay.
I'm right here.
I'm right beside you.
It's okay.
- What's going on? - Just get out! He's drowning.
(gasping) - What? - You don't have to.
(screeching) Okay.
Just come back when you're ready.
(coughing) I'll be here.
(sighing) - Your boyfriend drowns because he's the ghost of a merman.
- Give me a break, Josh.
- Hi.
What's your name? Want some Red Vines'? (heartbeat) - Bernie! Sorry.
Uh, sorry.
He he can't have sugar.
Bernie, you almost hurt that little girl.
- I didn't mean to.
- I know.
But you have to be careful, because you don't know how strong you are.
Now, you can't (sighing) you can't run off like that.
Rebecca's freaking out.
We looked everywhere for you.
- That girl's heart was loud.
I could hear her blood.
I could smell it! Am I, like, a superhero now? - Listen to me.
And you have to understand this.
You can never, never hurt someone.
Even if you feel like biting, you can't.
Because if you did, they could die.
- Like I did! - Yeah, Bernie, you almost died.
- Don't worry.
I wasn't gonna hurt that girl.
She was nice.
- Yeah, she was nice.
- Aidan, superheroes only go after bad guys, people who hurt other people.
- We're not superheroes, Bernie.
- I wish I was like this before.
Then those boys, they wouldn't have messed with me.
Aidan, I feel kind of sick.
- You're hungry.
Uh, look, I have to go to work.
We're gonna find Rebecca and she's gonna take care of you, okay? - So unless you're washing your hair that night, you let me know.
- That sounds suspiciously like a booze cruise.
- Hey! Hey! You guys, uh, you guys planning the office Christmas party? Or, I should say, holiday party, so I don't offend my Jewish brethren, or the Muslims.
Invinder's a Sikh.
- Need some help? - I do, actually.
Mr.Beckley thinks he has guinea worm.
- Guinea worm? He has H1N1.
- Excruciating discomfort, cranberry-colored pustules.
I don't know - I'll come find you.
Okay' - Hey, when I said let's take it slow, I didn't mean go hook up with Dr.Roofie.
- You do not get to do this.
No, we're dialing it down, remember? What does that even mean anyway, except you're too much of a coward to break up with me? - That's not No! We're still on, exactly like we were, only it's just less intense.
- You keep saying that.
What is less intense than no sex, dinner out once a week and no sex?! God! My grandmother in assisted living does more than we do.
- It means that we'll just be less invested in each other.
Just less intimate, Nora.
- So, to sum up, you wanna see me as much as you do now, but care about me less.
And in between, while I wait for you to call and tell me what DVD we're renting, I should get reacquainted with my vibrator because I'm not to see anyone else.
Sold! (song): That's over That's over Honestly you'll never have What I have Go ask Go ask my father Go ask it's time - Those two boys nearly had their heads chewed off by some vicious creature with tiny, sharp fangs.
What could've done that, I wonder? Did you really think I wouldn't find out, Aidan? A spanking-new vampire running around the city.
- I didn't want this.
It wasn't my choice to turn him.
- There is always a choice.
And there are rules, considerations and, yes, even compassion amongst vampires.
- You're lecturing me about compassion? - Obviously, I have to.
Otherwise, we wouldn't be here.
- No, we wouldn't be here if you hadn't turned Rebecca.
- That is why we don't turn children.
- You turned Bernie? - You turned Bernie? - No, not me.
- And you, you caused Rebecca.
Oh! Oh, my God, Aidan! How could you keep this a secret? - Look, I didn't tell you because you couldn't help and I knew that you would disintegrate, just like you're doing right now.
- No! You only tell me things when when crap has already exploded! When it's raining down on us! When you don't have a choice! And now three boys are dead because of you.
And Cara and Rebecca and God-knows-who-else- - I am telling you this because you are my best friend! (sighing) And you're right.
Yeah, okay.
Things have gotten out of control.
And maybe that I have to leave for a little bit.
- We are best friends.
But maybe it's better if you do leave.
(footsteps going upstairs) - Please, please, eat this.
Eat it.
Come on, it tastes good.
Smell it.
Come on! Eat it! - I don't want it! - That is the last bag I have.
You have to eat something.
- I don't care! - It was good enough for you yesterday! - Hey! Rebecca, cool it.
- What has happened? Don't! You have not been here.
He doesn't even sleep! Listen, I can get more blood.
- I don't want it! It makes me sick.
It tastes like puke, rotten puke! - I don't know what happened.
- I wanna see my mom.
I wanna go home.
- Hey! I know you do, Bernie.
But remember what we said? Whoa! - Shh! (grunting) I cannot do this by myself.
You've got to quit your job.
You've got to be here.
- I'll take him.
I'll take him now.
Hey, Bernie Let's get you something to eat.
- I won't drink that blood.
I hate it! - No, no.
Something good.
- We have to get out of this city.
Vermont or Maine.
Somewhere where there's not so many people.
We can't stay in this crawly motel room, brushing up against people.
I can smell them through the walls.
- It's gonna be okay.
I promise.
Okay' Bernie I lost it.
I'm sorry.
- Hey, he just needs to cool down.
Um you take a rest.
You take a walk.
I got him.
(sighing) Hey, Bernie, you wanna take a drive? Let's find something to eat, huh? Put your ear to the rail You can hear my love come down Where hearts and heroes fail I won't be tumed around.
(panting) - I've been thinking.
You know my movements, the way I shake the house, make the pipes explode? They're tied to my emotions.
So maybe there's something in you that's causing the echo.
You say it's random, but it's gotta be linked to something.
- I used to think that I was in this echo because every night I would die, trying to untie my legs, swim to the surface, you know, like, beat my death, and I never did.
So then I accepted it, all of it.
My death, the echo (sighing) And it's still here.
- Well, maybe you could leave a message on the wall.
And then find someone who kicked the echo.
Or maybe they- - Sally the only time that I remember what it was like to be alive is when I'm dying.
(chuckling) - I don't even know what to say to that.
You do this on purpose? - Let's just forget about it.
(song): Put your ear to the rail Sally, let me just say that you have been handling this like a champ.
- Yeah, I know l have.
That's what I do.
I'm a real stand-up girl.
I did this with Danny too.
(sighing) I supported him.
I put up with all his moods.
I rearranged my entire life for him.
- Please just don't compare me to the guy that killed you.
Being with you has made everything so much easier.
Just knowing that I can always come back to you afterwards (sniffling) And you don't have to fix me.
What we are, I think, is kind of perfect.
- It's perfect for you.
'Cause I guess that's my thing.
My echo.
I meet a guy.
He's great.
I lose myself in him.
He's gonna solve all my problems.
And then I just disappear into his.
And you don't even wanna get better.
- I guess that death doesn't leave us a whole lot of room for change.
(chuckling) (sighing) - Really? Is there more to say? We're both adults.
I think we know when something isn't meant to be.
- I don't want you to see Reed or anyone.
- Oh, here we go.
You know, you're surprisingly Neanderthal for someone so young.
- I'm not just some jerk who doesn't wanna get close to you, Nora.
I want to be with you.
I wanna be with you.
But there's something in my life.
And it has nothing to do with you or another woman.
And I didn't kill anyone.
- That's remarkably not reassuring if you have to point that out.
- There's something private about me.
And it needs to stay that way.
- For always? - I don't know.
(sighing) And I realize that makes me seem incredibly unappealing, but I don't know I don't know how else to do this.
- Look, I I appreciate your honesty.
But I'm not gonna be that crazy, low self-esteem, co-dependent girl who needs a guy who's tortured.
I'm just I'm not gonna do it.
- I don't want you to. I don't want that for you.
- l I've hurt my family by keeping this to myself. My fiance.
It wasn't just that we were young.
It was this thing.
(song): Let's go home together" I don't wanna hurt you.
I don't wanna hurt you too.
- But if you're not letting me in, then what's the point? - No, I just I wanna protect you.
- No.
I don't need you to.
You think I haven't seen horrible stuff in my life? Let's go home together" (sighing) Let's go lose ourselves I'd give anything to you I do need you it seems In a dirty movie Only you have seen Let's go home together" 'Things took a wild turn, didn't they? Let's go lose ourselves - How? Who did this to you? - Let's just say I didn't always go for the nice guy.
- I never wanna let anything like this happen to you again.
A Spanish burn This kind of love Can leave No evidence This kind of love can leave - It's so quiet here.
- So you and your mom, you guys ever go hiking? - Um no.
She says that's why we live in the city.
We don't have to hike.
(laughing) - I agree with her there.
But where else are you gonna find deer? - But how are you gonna shoot it? You don't have a gun.
- We don't need a gun.
We're gonna catch it ourselves.
- And kill it? .
Yep- - But you said that we can't kill.
- Animals are different.
Humans eat animals too.
Don't worry.
We'll be gentle and quick.
See, if you have to kill an animal, there's a way to do it so it doesn't hurt.
(bird cawing) - Cool.
- Shh! Look right over there.
Now, I'm gonna go around.
And if he bolts, you run as fast as you can and just try to hold him, okay? - Wait, wait.
What if he does get away? (woodpecker pecking) - Just hold him.
Bruises only In the places you can't see I 'II leave no trail behind me When I am gone Stay and I will lie That's in us A heart beats so hardly A Spanish burn This kind of love Can leave (door closing) This kind of love Can leave - Did you find Bernie? - I took care of it.
- You had to.
I'll be upstairs.
(crying) - Marcus Thank you for taking care of those boys.
If I didn't know any better, I would've thought Aidan's son did it myself.
- Whatever I can do.
What was Aidan thinking anyway? Trying to keep a child, it's sick.
- Aidan was thinking he could start a family of his own.
But we're his family, aren't we, Marcus? Hmm

Kikavu ?

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