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#113 : Il Est Arrivé Une Chose Bizarre Au Moment De Te Tuer

Ecrit par : Jeremy Carver & Anna Fricke
Réalisé par : Adam Kane


Aidan et Bishop finissent par s'affronter tandis que Nora découvre la vérité sur Josh. Sally est dorénavant capable de toucher.

Guests : Nathalie Breuer (Céline), Laurence Leboeuf (Céline à 20 ans), Jean-Sébastien Côté (un ouvrier), et Jason Cavalier (Sully).


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Titre VO
A Funny Thing Happened On The Way To Me Killing You

Titre VF
Il Est Arrivé Une Chose Bizarre Au Moment De Te Tuer

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Photo de l'épisode #1.13

Photo de l'épisode #1.13

Photo de l'épisode #1.13

Photo de l'épisode #1.13

Photo de l'épisode #1.13

Photo de l'épisode #1.13

Photo de l'épisode #1.13

Photo de l'épisode #1.13

Photo de l'épisode #1.13


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Etats-Unis (inédit)
Lundi 11.04.2011 à 00:00

Plus de détails

Nous démarrons avec Aidan qui saigne sur une civière dans le sous-sol de hôpital, tandis que Sally lui dit que tout se passera bien. Josh arrive avec Nora, elle leur dit que Aidan doit être opéré. Josh lui dit à alors qu'Aidan a besoin d'une transfusion et non pas d'une opération ou de médecin, juste du sang. Josh démarre la voix off de la semaine en se demandant pourquoi leur plan n'a pas fonctionné .

Dans un flashback, on le voit en tant que serveur dans un restaurant où Marcus et plusieurs autres vampires se sont retrouvés sur son chemin. Josh est jeté dans la poubelle et se retrouve dans une ruelle remplit par des vampires, mais Aidan vient à son secours.

Dans la maison, qui porte encore les cicatrices de l'incendie, Sally ne trouve pas  sa porte. Josh garde un œil sur Aidan puis quelqu'un s'approche de la porte. Il ouvre , mais c'est juste Céline. Elle prend alors le relais auprès d'Aidan et Josh se heurte à Nora, qui veut garder le bébé.

Aidan se réveille et voit Céline. C'est lui prend trop de temps à guérir, de sorte que Celine lui propose  de boire son sang, , et elle dit qu'elle préfère mourir de cette façon plutôt que d'un cancer. Elle est inquiete par rapport à Bishop qui pourrait revenir se venger d'Aidan. Pendant ce temps, un flic trouve Bishop endormi dans sa voiture. Bishop lui fonce dessus ,se nourrit et le tue. 

À la maison, Sally demande à Josh si Aidan va bien. Il est choqué d'apprendre qu'elle a raté sa porte. Elle lui révèle qu'elle peut maintenant toucher les choses. Aidan est de retour à l'hôpital et  rencontre Bishop en uniforme dans l'ascenseur avec un groupe de patients. Céline arrive et s'engouffre dans l'ascenseur . Bishop prend du recul et la salue alors que les portes se ferment.

Quand Josh arrive au  travail Bishop l'attrape par la gorge et «demande» à Josh de livrer un message à Aidan. Bishop raconte à Josh que lui et Aidan doivent mettre fin à leur amitié, sinon il livrera un autre type de message à la famille de Josh...

Sally montre à Aidan ses nouvelles compétences . Il croit que cela signifie qu'elle est attachée à la terre, mais pas entièrement solide encore. Josh arrive et relait le message  de Bishop. Sally dit à Aidan qu'il ne peut pas faire cela, et que Josh et elle ont leur mot à dire en tant que famille d'Aidan. Aidan sait que Bishop ne s'arrêtera pas, peu importe ce qui se passera. Josh veut prévenir Nora et partir.

Dans le flash-back, Josh obtient son emploi actuel à l'hôpital avec Aidan. Josh est nerveux à l'idée de vivre avec un vampire. De Retour dans le présent, Sally dit à Josh qu'ils doivent aider Aidan. Il utilise son instinct de loup. Ils ont l'intention (sans le dire à Aidan) de faire venir Bishop dans la salle du sous-sol, ou Sally fermera la porte et la verrouillera Josh et Bishop à l'intérieur.

Céline dit à Aidan pourquoi elle ne l'a pas attendu toutes ces années, comment Bishop l'a piégée. Aidan s'excuse auprès de Céline, et elle lui dit qu'elle ne peut pas mourir avant de savoir s'il est prêt à vivre. Elle l'embrasse. Josh trouve Bishop et lui qu'Aidan veut se battre, dans la salle du sous-sol .

Josh et Aidan dînent avec Sally. Josh ment et indique à Aidan qu'il se transformera dans les bois. Il souhaite bonne chance à Aidan.

À l'hôpital, Nora trouve une lettre de Josh. C'est son récit du début de l'épisode, sur la possibilité de leur avenir. En la lisant, Nora voit Josh aller au sous sol. Josh arrive au sous sol et Sally lui demande s'il a besoin d'aide. Il lui dit de rappeler à Aidan de le laisser sortir dans la matinée. Sally lui dit qu'il est un bon ami et non un tueur.

Sally dit à Bishop d'aller dans un entrepôt où Aidan l'attend. Les deux vampires commencent à se battre , Josh commence à se transformer. Nora arrive et lui demande ce qu'il entend par "quand il sera partie" dans sa lettre. Elle lui demande s'il va bien ,Josh se relève et la pousse hors du sous sol. Nora le regarde se transformer par la fenêtre, puis on voit du sang sur ses mains.

Bishop a clairement la main sur Aidan, qui se trouve  sur le sol quand Bishop se retourne pour voir Sally. Aidan profite de sa distraction pour étrangler Bishop avec du fil. Aidan demande à bishop de s'excuser de l'avoir transformé avant de le décapiter avec le fil.

Le lendemain, Josh s'excuse auprès de Nora, en lui disant qu'il pensait que le bébé était normal. Nora lui demande s'il se transforme tous les mois, et s'il y a un remède. Il lui raconte son histoire , que le loup a tué son ami et l'a griffé. Josh est soulagé. Après son départ, Nora tire en arrière sa manche et dévoile trois marques de griffes de Josh.

Les colocataires sont de retour à la normale Ils félicitent Aidan d'être libre, même si Josh insiste sur le fait qu'il aurait pu tuer Bishop. Sally dit qu'elle va faire quelque chose de son temps, peut-être essayer d'être plus proche de sa famille et ses amis.

La porte sonne, Aidan a commandé une pizza pour Josh, mais c'est en fait Hegeman à la porte. Il remercie Aidan de l'avoir sauvé, et pour le meurtre de Bishop. Hegeman dit "elle" veut rencontrer Aidan, étant donné qu'Aidan est le chef de file du clan de la ville maintenant.

Dans un flahback ,Aidan essaie de parler à Josh des rituels de la normalité. Ils se promènent autour de leur future maison ou le corps de Sally est dans un sac mortuaire et ou son fantôme regarde sur le devant de la porte.

(screaming) (grunting) (screaming) Stay with me.
Come on, man! (wheezing) - It's okay, Aidan.
It's okay.
Just stay awake.
Stay awake, I'm right here.
- Oh, my God! Aidan'? What the hell happened'? Okay, um, get Jason down here with a large-bore IV.
I need to start a line.
Tell Martha to clear an OR.
- No, just blood.
- Sit back.
We've got you, okay'? - Nora, he needs a transfusion.
- Go! Now! (panting) (Aidan wheezing) - Listen, I told you there are things I can't explain.
- This is your secret?! - No operating room, no doctor.
Just blood.
"This shouldn't have worked, for so many reasons.
"But for a little while, for this excellent moment in time, "it did work, didn't it? "And I felt human, alive.
(bell ringing) "But you were right.
"A secret breaks things down.
"It's like bile dark, corrosive.
" - Hi.
- I don't have any money.
- Oh (barking) Don't bother running, pup.
You know we'll catch you.
Full moon's not for another two weeks.
- What is this'? - Look at that.
You really don't know, do you'? Well this (grunting) is how the world works.
(gasping) You and the other dogs down there and all of us way up here.
(panting) - What are you'? - God's little creatures.
(gasping) (grunting) (grunting) - Marcus.
- Woof-woof! - Marcus! - Aidan.
Can you believe this'? You can't even get a cup of coffee without running into a mutt these days.
- So you beat him up two weeks before he turns? (laughing) You might as well beat up a little girl.
Bishop would be so proud.
(grunting) (kicking) (sighing) (grunting) - "It's along story, and most of it's unbelievable.
"But it's time you knew the truth " now that! have nothing left to lose.
" Now now now Come now You don't need to be so rough around - The blood's coming.
You'll be okay.
(wheezing) Now now now Come now You don't need to get so hot - Go.
It's just waiting now.
Go to your door.
- No way.
No way.
I need to know he's okay.
- Sally.
Don't miss it because of me.
(wheezing) If I die I'm ready.
Now now now Who's out We don't need to leave it out We found it anymore - Aidan.
- Go.
Maybe I'll see you there.
You drive me down It just shows your weakness Well I'm your guy And I know what your weakness is Get your.
It's okay.
- No! It shows your weakness Oh! - I'm Aidan.
- You're one of them.
- I guess so.
- Yeah.
Well, thanks, but I'm gonna go before you kill me, if that's cool.
- Hey, I'm not gonna hurt you.
(panting) Come on, let me help get you cleaned up.
I'm a nurse and I can-- - Seriously'? - You don't bat an eye at me being a vampire, but the nurse thing is weird? Come on.
Come on.
- Just so you know We don't need to think like we're it wouldn't have been exactly like beating up a girl.
It just shows your weakness (laughing) "When I'm gone, I at least want you to know what I was.
"I want you to know who you are to me.
"Nothing else matters.
(song): It's a hard hard thing (Josh): “Not anymore.
" (song:) To come clean (panting) - No.
Where's my door'? No! (panting) (footsteps approaching) - Josh.
It's okay.
We met last night.
- Celine.
Sorry, I'm just a little I don't know what I am.
(sighing) I'm sorry.
- Go home, sleep, eat something.
- No, I can't leave him.
- You'll be more help to him rested.
- There are things There's a thing out there that wants to kill him.
Something you couldn't possibly understand.
- Bishop and the vampires.
I've understood for quite a long time, Josh.
But don't worry.
I know how to handle Bishop.
Go home.
- Have you been here all night? I guess I left around 2:00 or 3:00 right around the time it became clear that you weren't gonna tell me anything.
- I'm sorry.
(sniffling) I appreciate what you did.
I know you went against protocol.
- Josh, I completely sent protocol to hell! God, if anyone found out (sighing) Whatever, it's done.
But if I'm gonna do this, if I'm gonna put my job and I don't know my life If I'm gonna take these kinds of risks you gotta tell me if it's worth it.
- I don't know what to say.
- Really? I'm keeping this baby.
I wasn't sure, but I am.
- Nora, that's great! I think That's amazing! - Yeah, yeah, it would be if I felt like I had a partner.
But I'm beginning to realize that maybe I don't which is fine.
But if that's the case, then I need to prepare myself.
- I wanna be that person for you.
- But you can't.
You wanna be that person but you can't.
You wanna tell me the truth but you can't.
And I wanna keep being patient but I can't.
I'm sorry.
(laughing softly) Oh! He came so close.
- That's why it's taking so long to heal.
- If you had your fill of live blood, you'd be healed by now.
Drink me.
- No.
- Don't be a fool.
Bishop's coming for you.
You can't fight him like this.
- Celine, I would have to drain you.
- I'd rather die for you than for cancer.
- I will heal.
I just need a little time.
(breathing deeply) And I need to get home.
(horn honking, birds chirping) (engine stopping) (car door opening) (horn blaring in distance) (knocking on window) - Oh! - L.T.
? - Sully, hey-
- You okay'? It's been a couple days since we saw you at the station.
- Yeah, it looks like you caught me sleeping one off.
- In your car'? What happened to your face'? - Oh (laughing) Right.
I'm gonna need a little help with that.
(screaming) - Help! Help! - Is Aidan okay? I know, I'm here.
It sucks.
- Why aren't you-- - Above, beyond, sipping lattes on cloud nine'? I missed it.
I came home and my door just wasn't.
- Oh, Sally-- - I know, I just I sorta can't deal with it now, or I'm gonna start shooting people from a bell tower, so-- - I get it.
- On the other hand - You're - Practically a person, except not at all.
My door disappears and I can do this.
Probably not a good thing, right'? - No, I don't know.
I mean, it might be a good thing for your ability to keep up on current events and the stock market and Sudoku.
No, it's probably not a good thing.
- Aidan would know.
- Aidan would know.
(siren wailing, horn honking in distance) - I feel ridiculous.
- You'll feel better once you're home and an old dying lady isn't pushing you around.
(laughing) - Just go ahead and sit and wait.
Mommy's a little busy.
(panting) (elevator beeping) - I don't know what number.
- Celine.
(breathing deeply) (panting) - How well trained are you'? - Uh Ahem.
(coughing) - Can you deliver a simple message'? (chair scraping against floor) - I can't give a give a message to anyone, because I don't I don't know where they are.
- Mm-hmm You know what's funny'? - No, I really don't.
- All I wanted was for Aidan to become a better vampire.
To embrace his gift.
And it is a gift, you understand? - Sure.
- I selected him to create a future and he Well, he hates me now, doesn't he? - Yeah, that never really came up.
- You're going to give Aidan a message for me.
He and I are going to end this like the very old and dignified vampires that we are.
You're going to tell him to meet me at the old garment factory, - Who's to say I even know where Aidan is or if he's alive'? - You're going to give him the message or I will deliver something of a very different kind to your family in Ithaca.
What do you think would upset your mother more, your heart or your brain on a platter'? (door opening) - That's new.
- That's what Josh said.
It's bad, right'? - Yeah, I think it means that - What'? No, say it.
- I think it means that you're more tethered to the Earth.
- So I'm stuck here, like the rest of the one-eyed crazies.
- You're still not solid yet.
(door closing) You're just more charged.
(laughing) - I saw Bishop.
He talked to me for a disturbingly long time.
(grunting) - Did he hurt you'? - I think he would very much like to.
But he Hey, so you know, when was the last time the three of us just got together and played a really good game of Celebrity? - Josh, just say it.
- He wants to meet you.
Like men, like vampire men tomorrow night.
- Wait, wait, wait, wait.
Why does he wanna meet you'? - He wants to fight me.
- You mean kill you.
Aidan, you can barely walk.
- This me and him it's what was always gonna happen.
- Okay, I love you, but that's the stupidest thing I've ever heard.
This isn't 1782 or whenever.
You have a choice.
We have a choice.
- We aren't choosing anything.
- We are a part of this! Josh and I are your family.
- Yes, and Bishop won't stop until he's torn that apart.
It's not like I borrowed his car without asking.
I thwarted his plan of taking over the Eastern Seaboard.
(sighing) It's better if I just do this.
- Tomorrow's the full moon.
Josh, I saw what you did to that wolf what your wolf did.
- What'? - And the vampires, they were terrified.
You're more powerful than any of them.
- Wait, you want me-- - Sally, it's not controlled.
- It's not possible! It's not possible.
He said he would go after my mom and dad.
He said we could leave.
We could leave.
You, me, Sally, Nora, we She hates me right now, but I could talk to her.
- Good.
You should talk to Nora and you should leave with her.
That would be good.
But you should forget about me.
- Sorry, but no.
- This is my battle, okay'? End of story.
- So, what, we just let you go? We never see you again? What? You just go off and die'? - L fight.
This should've happened lifetimes ago and I am truly sorry that it had to happen during yours.
- The elevator's down.
- Hey.
Whoever says that dedication to dusting won't lead to a bright future is lying.
I just sailed through H.
Flying colours.
And Fight Club face'? Loved it.
- I know you're better than this, but it's a start.
- Well, I'm not that much better than this.
Working in a hospital is still some variation of what my normal life was gonna be.
Broom, scalpel; potato, patato.
So thank you.
And a question.
Why the hell are you doing this'? - I've been trying to, you know, be clean for years, uh, decades.
- Decades.
Really? You know there are programs.
- There aren't really any others like me, sol slip up and I start all over.
It's isolating.
It's frustrating.
So when I saw you cornered and alone, I thought: Well, it doesn't have to be that way for either one of us.
- So these slip-ups how often do they happen? - Okay, if we're gonna be friends, you need to stop thinking I'm gonna kill you.
- Okay- (birds chirping, siren wailing in distance) - I know you're scared and I know you're in a family way, but we cannot not do something.
- I was just thinking the same thing.
- So what do we do? - I think you're right.
- About the wolf? - That room in the basement if we can get Bishop down there and you can close the door and lock the two of us inside Can you do that now'? - I think I can do that now.
(inhaling) - Ray was right.
Push comes to shove I'm a killer.
- I don't know what else we're supposed to do.
This is insane.
(inhaling) And yet it it almost seems too easy, doesn't it? - You mean the part where I transform into a werewolf and I attempt to murder a 500-year-old super-angry vampire'? No.
It doesn't seem too easy.
- You're a really scary werewolf.
- Really? - Oh, my God! Like super, super bad-ass scary.
- So just don't say anything to Aidan.
- You don't say anything to Aidan.
- But seriously, like, don't.
Like, don't give him special looks and get all emotional and whatnot.
Don't Sally-it-up.
- What does that even mean'? (laughing) (sighing) (sighing) - You asked me why I didn't wait for you all those years ago.
- What happened'? (inhaling) - I went out for a walk to get some air.
I was gonna go to the train with you.
He had other ideas.
- What did he do to you'? I shouldn't have given up on you.
I should've known.
Celine, my God, I am so sorry.
- Don't be.
I'm ready to leave, Aidan.
But I can't die until I know you'll truly live.
Take your life back for both of us.
(sniffling) Oh! (crow cawing in distance) (siren wailing in distance) - He'll fight you, but he wants to do it here.
There's a room in the basement.
No one can hear you down there.
Same time.
Oh, and just for the record, the fact that you're in this car with a stay-in-school bumper sticker is just so wrong in so many ways.
- Good boy.
- You know you didn't have to do that.
You know we don't - Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Just humor me, okay'? I'm turning into a wolf, you're going off to your big awful battle.
I feel like it's the night of a big football game or something, like state.
- Did you even play football? - I went to the games.
- Yeah.
- You know what we should do? We should join one of those local farm-delivery programs.
It would be good.
I'd cook more, be involved.
It'd be good.
- They'd send you a bunch of kale.
- Yes, kale's great.
It's really good.
It's good for digestion.
(laughing) (Aidan inhaling and exhaling) - What time is it? - It's almost 6:00.
(inhaling) - Where are you turning tonight? - The woods.
- Then you're gonna go to Ithaca and see your family and make sure that they're okay.
- You guys are coming back, right'? After you do whatever it is you have to do? - Yeah.
- Sure.
- I don't wanna be here without you guys.
- We'll be back.
And we'll join that farm thing.
It's gonna be awesome.
(sighing) - We should really-- - Yeah.
(dishes hitting counter) - Sol guess we should've started a little slower with the whole being-normal thing, huh'? (laughing softly) - Do you need a ride tonight or-- - No, I'm good, I'm good.
You go.
(inhaling and exhaling) (sniffling) Good luck tonight.
I'll see you on the other side.
Follow me down to the edge of the town The edge of the town when-2 the graves are Swallowed in weeds in the throws of those trees The throws of the trees where my heart lies You can be my one if you wanna go You can be my Juliet then And we can drift asleep in a lover's pose But never go away No poison Here we're safe Follow me down to the kingdom around The edge of now when-2 the tracks ale (Josh): "Nora, "this shouldn't have worked for so many reasons.
"But for a little while, for this excellent moment in time, "it did work, didn't it? "The truth is I never expected what I found with you, "that possibility of a future I'd given up so long ago.
“But I can't step into that future without helping my family first, "not just my parents and my sister whom I've hurt for too long, "but my family hen-2 in Boston.
IT I They re part of my secret, part of my survival, "and I owe this to them.
"I don't know if I'll even be here after tonight, "but if I am" (song): Juliet Juliet You can be my one if you wanna go Wanna go You can be my Juliet then (panting) (grunting) - Need help'? - Just stick to the plan.
When Bishop walks through that door, you shut it.
I'll be fine.
Just remind Aidan to come let me out in the morning or.
To carry me out.
You know.
- You're a good person, Josh.
(unzipping) A good friend.
And Ray was wrong.
You're not a killer.
You never were.
Be safe.
- What'? Sally.
Sally! (door closing) (screaming) - Is he okay? - He may never speak to me again.
And I may never speak to you again for making me do this.
- And you're sure you told Bishop the right place? - She did.
Cute thing.
- Leave.
- No, let me help you.
- Sally.
- Oh, don't worry about hurting my feelings.
I'll see you later.
You took everything from me, Aidan.
- You did this to yourself.
- Maybe.
(grunting) (grunting) (door opening) - Josh.
What do you mean, 'When I'm gone"? (grunting) - Nora, get out.
- Josh'? - Please.
(screaming) - Oh, my God! Josh, are you okay? - No, no, no.
Get out, get out, get out! - Oh, my God! (screaming) (screaming) (screaming) (screaming) (growling) (screaming) (growling) Oh, God! Oh! No.
(screaming) Oh!Ah! ' Hmm? (sniffing) (grunting) - I chose you because you were brave.
But you're afraid of the greatness I could give you.
You're afraid to fail.
- You're the coward hiding behind your army, never strong enough to stand on your own.
(grunting) (grunting) (gasping) (grunting) (grunting) (screaming) (grunting) (screaming) And for your weakness, you ruined my life.
(shouting, indistinct) (grunting) (groaning) - You will hate me no more! (groaning) (grunting) (screaming) (groaning) Now, you know you can't do a damn thing with that.
Now hand it over, little girl.
(gasping) (gasping) - I told you to change.
I begged you to change.
(gasping) It didn't have to be this way.
(gasping) (gasping); n did.
(gasping) (gasping) (screaming) (gasping) (breathing deeply) (panting) (horns honking) (horns honking) (cawing) - If I'd known this would happen I thought the baby was okay.
I was so relieved it was okay.
(sighing) I'm so sorry.
I should've told you sooner, prepared you.
- I wouldn't have believed you.
And there's no way to prepare for this.
What I saw You have to go through that every month'? It looks incredibly painful.
And there's no cure'? - I'm trying to find out.
But right now ITO.
- How did it happen to you'? - I was in the mountains with my friend.
And we thought it was some kind of animal.
And I guess it was, but, uh it killed my friend, Stu.
(whispering): My God.
- And scratched me.
- And just a scratch was enough'? - After what you saw what I put you through I can understand if you don't wanna be with me.
- This is gonna sound crazy but I felt like I was finally seeing you.
And now that I know - Maybe we'll be okay.
- Maybe we'll be okay.
(sighing) - I should get back to the house.
- Yeah.
- Check on some things.
Is that okay? I'll come right back.
I'll come back later.
- Okay.
- Okay- (sighing) (door opening and closing) No, no, no.
Get out, get out! - Oh, my God! - We should get cable.
- Right.
- And paint.
Hell, wallpaper.
What's the landlord gonna say, right'? - Exactly.
(laughing) - Ahem.
You two really shouldn't have done that.
- It's not that we didn't think you could take him.
- I totally could've taken him.
You know that, right'? - I do.
I do.
So how was your night? - This is a conversation to be had over kale.
(laughing) How was your night? I mean I mean, God! Congratulations, you're free.
- Yeah, what are you gonna do? - I think I wanna learn krav-maga.
- I actually can't believe that you don't already know that.
- Do you wanna come? You could audit, pick up some skills, fight ghost crime.
- I like it.
I like it.
- Mm - Mm - What are you gonna do? - Oh, now that I'm here forever'? - Look, you don't know that for sure.
- No.
But since I am here um no more waiting.
I'm gonna do something with my time.
You know'? I mean, maybe I got closure with Danny, but I never got closure with my family, my friends.
- So you're just gonna haunt them, basically? - Basically, yeah.
- Mm - That's what it sounds like.
- And we're all gonna be supernatural krav-maga crime fighters.
(laughter) (doorbell buzzing) - Did you order a stripper? - Actually, since our last party was so rudely interrupted, I thought it might be fun to watch you eat pizza.
(laughing) - Oh, God! - This guy- - Hello.
- Hegeman.
You're looking well.
- I have you to thank for that.
- You've come a long way to thank me when there was no need.
- But there is.
You've saved us a lot of trouble by slaying Bishop.
- It had to be done.
- And you're honorable.
So it's time.
- I'm Sorry? - She wants to meet you.
Aidan do not be foolish.
You are the leader now.
Of course she wants to meet you.
I'm nothing without pretend I know my faults - I just don't see the point.
- You know what your problem is'? You don't wanna believe that this is your life.
- You're very much correct.
- But it is your life.
So why punish ourselves'? Think about it.
An apartment.
We could have a little yard.
We could barbecue.
- You don't even eat.
- I like the ritual.
- It would never work.
- You're very negative.
- You're very observant.

Kikavu ?

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25.04.2019 vers 18h

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04.02.2018 vers 21h

06.01.2017 vers 23h

03.09.2016 vers 19h

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choup37, 19.04.2024 à 19:45

Maintenant j'en ai plus que deux, je joue aussi sur kaa

CastleBeck, Hier à 11:48

Il y a quelques thèmes et bannières toujours en attente de clics dans les préférences . Merci pour les quartiers concernés.

Viens chatter !