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#112 : Sally Se Venge

Ecrit par : Nancy Won
Réalisé par : Erik Canuel


Aidan se heurte à un vieil ami. Josh et Nora obtiennent quelques bonnes nouvelles tandis que Sally trouve le moyen de sortir de la maison.

Guests : Nathalie Breuer (Céline), Laurence Leboeuf (Céline à 20 ans), Nancy-Ann Michaud (Jenny), Liz MacRae (Détective Geiger) et Cecile Cristobal (Dr. Chin).


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Titre VO
You're The One I Haunt

Titre VF
Sally Se Venge

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Photo de l'épisode #1.12

Photo de l'épisode #1.12

Photo de l'épisode #1.12

Photo de l'épisode #1.12

Photo de l'épisode #1.12


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Etats-Unis (inédit)
Lundi 04.04.2011 à 00:00

Plus de détails

Dans la maison, Aidan et Josh rangent et discutent de la façon dont ils doivent se protéger contre les représailles imminente de Bishop. Josh a dû expliquer à une infirmière pour couvrir Aidan.

Sally se promène dans le salon, effrayante, avec des yeux blancs. Josh dit à Aidan qu'il s'inquiète de ce qui se passe . Aidan est certain que Bishop n'a pas quitté Boston. En dehors de l'hôpital, Aidan voit une femme et la voit dans un flashback être au lit avec une version d'elle plus jeune . Elle sait qu'il est un vampire et qu'Aidan veut la mordre. Il est inquiet, il ne se contrôle pas, mais elle lui dit qu'elle sait qu'il va s'arrêter de se nourrir d'elle.

Dans le présent, Josh et Nora se retrouvent dans une chambre à l'hôpital pour parler. Nora a des nausées matinales mais il semble beaucoup trop tôt pour que ça se produise. Nora dit qu'elle ne peut faire face à la grossesse. Elle demande à Josh s'il veut sortir . Il lui prend la main, en lui assurant qu'il est là pour elle. Nora dit qu'elle n'est pas sûre de garder le bébé. Ses résultats sanguins ne sont pas bons ce qui pourrait ire qu'il y a plusieurs fœtus ou des malformations congénitales. Elle doit faire une échographie dans l'après-midi.

A l'appartement de Danny,Sally apparaît derrière lui, le qualifiant de dangereux. Danny prend peur et Sally revient à son apparence normale.

Sally raconte à Josh qu'elle pense que c'est ce qui l'a ramenée à la normale, et qu'elle voulait tuer Danny. Elle parle de sa satisfaction d'avoir fait peur à Danny de cette façon.

De Retour à l'hôpital,la femme plus âgée que connait Aidan parle le français. Céline est surprise de le voir et lui apprend qu'elle a un cancer du poumon. Elle n'est pas là pour le traitement, juste pour la morphine. Pas non plus pour la chimio. Elle est prête à mourir. Céline révèle qu'elle a une fille, qu'elle lui rend visite à Boston. Elle pose des questions sur la vie d'Aidan, s'il a une nouvelle fiancé. Il pense à Rebecca et raconte à Céline que c'est fini.

Aidan a un nouveau flashback, où il veut protéger Céline de lui-même, et commence à l'embrasser, puis la mord dans le cou et commence à boire son sang. Dans le présent, elle lui dit que Boston est le dernier endroit où elle pensait qu'Aidan serait. Dans le flashback Bishop est omniprésent. Céline s'habille quand Aidan arrive et lui dit qu'il est  temps de quitter Montréal.  Elle pose des questions sur sa famille, s'ils vont être en sécurité. Elle le supplie de rester, mais il refuse.

Dans le présent, Josh dit à Aidan que Nora doit avorter, parce qu'il est sûr que le bébé sera un loup-garou. Aidan pense qu'il ne le sera pas, parce que les loup-garou ne peuvent pas naitre comme ça, il se font transformer. Il demande si Josh est heureux avec Nora, et lui dit de s'accrocher à cela et le reste s'arrangera.

De Retour à la maison, Danny laisse un message sur le répondeur . Danny vient dans la maison . Il est en colère et veut se débarrasser de Sally. Il dit qu'il veut la voir. Elle marche autour de lui. Il dispose d'un bidon d'essence, et planifie de brûler la maison.

Sally lui dit de partir, de sortir mais il allume le feu. Elle lui dit que s'il part , elle partira avec lui. Elle ne le laisse pas sortir de la maison .
Josh et Aidan entent, Aidan lance Danny contre un mur et l'assomme brièvement. Josh prend un extincteur et éteint l'incendie. Josh demande à Sally si elle va bien et Danny est choqué qu'ils puissent la voir. Aidan enlève ses lunettes de soleil, et se met à frapper Danny. Il va le mordre, mais Josh lui en empèche. Danny les  supplie, de dit qu'il va leur donner la maison.

Josh dit à Sally que tuer quelqu'un change la personne. Sally dit que personne ne mérite de mourir, et qu'elle n'est pas comme Danny. Danny dit à la police,qu' il a mis le feu et avoue avoir tué Sally dans la maison.

A la cafétéria de l'hôpital, Josh et Aidan se remettre de leur expérience, et discutent de l'avenir de Sally. Nora arrive et demande à Aidan si Josh est paniqué. Aidan les laisse discuter.

Dans la chambre de Céline, Aidan dit qu'il est enfin prêt . Il raconte à Céline,qu'elle a le choix de ne pas de mourir ou d'être encore malade. Elle lui dit qu'elle a eu une vie bien remplie. Elle lui dit qu'il est différent, dans ses yeux, plus profond, plus ancien. Céline veut voir sa fille se marier et avoir des enfants, mais pas les voir vieillir, tomber malades et mourir. Elle sait que c'est son heure de partir.

Aidan lui demande pourquoi elle n'était pas là quand il est revenu pour elle, dans le flashback, nous voyons Bishop la menacer. Il menace sa famille si elle ne tient pas son secret ( qu'il s'est nourrit d'elle et l'a violée) .

À l'échographie, le médecin dit à Nora qu'elle est enceinte de 14 semaines, pas  de 7, mais que le fœtus va bien.

De Retour à la maison, Aidan fait du pain grillé à Josh et Sally . Sally ne sais pas ce qu'elle va faire , maintenant que Danny est parti. Josh dit qu'il va revenir à l'hopital, à temps partiel . Aidan dit que c'est génial, et ils boivent des martinis. Ils se tournent  et Sally voit sa porte . Elle est sur le point de passer de l'autre côté lorsque Bishop saute  sur Aidan. Josh tente d'aider Aidan qui saigne.

(Sally): Right before a big storm, I used to go with my dad to the harbor to look at the clouds feel the ail. There? an eerie stiffness before the sky cracks open (paper rustling) a hush. You can feel the storm gathering smell the flood on its way.
(horns honking, siren wailing) 'Oh! You know, I feel really awkward walking around with a bunch of stakes under my jacket.
- You'll feel a lot less awkward when some vampire's ripping into your face.
- Yesterday, one fell out, and I had to explain to a roomful of nurses that I was whittling.
That I'd taken up whittling! Oh! Hey! Can we get you anything? She looks like The Grudge.
- I know she looks a little rough.
- Rough? If we videotaped her and showed somebody, they'd be dead in 3 days.
- She was almost exorcized.
She's weak.
- She looks like she's gonna eat our entrails, Aidan.
(sighing) - It has only been a few days She needs time to heal.
She'll be back.
- As what? Don't leave me alo-- (door slamming) So we're we're gonna we're gonna go to work.
And so you just just have a really nice day.
Okay? Have, like, a "me" day.
And then maybe maybe some skin cream.
Uh (siren bleeping) Ahem.
Look, I'm I'm sorry about Rebecca, okay? I know you're messed up right now.
But if the Dutch are really as bad-ass as you say they are, don't you think that Bishop has hightailed it? - He'd just go underground.
He hasn't left Boston.
- How do you know that? I mean, maybe he's gone back to Romania, or Slovenia or Not-Scary Farm.
- Boston is Bishop's.
He spent decades ensuring that.
He's not going anywhere.
- Maybe he's rebuilding.
Maybe he's meeting with architects and interior designers and he's building a new green vampire lair.
Maybe he doesn't care about you at all.
- I openly defied him, Josh.
Hegeman, Marcus (sighing) Rebecca.
Look, if he is rebuilding, he can't do a single thing if he keeps me around.
- Okay.
No single vampire would follow him if he lets me live.
- We should probably do an ego assessment.
Maybe we're thinking of ourselves too highly.
Listen, if if Bishop really does wanna kill you, why are we at work and why aren't we home where he can't cross the threshold? - That's a brilliant idea.
We'll just stay in the whole time.
Grey Gardens for the supernatural.
Don't worry.
Whatever he has to throw at me, I'm ready.
- Aidan! What are you doing? Stop, stop, stop! Aidan, stop! (loud heartbeat) Stop it right now! Let him go.
I'm sorry, sir.
I'm taking him back to the psych ward.
Right now.
(man): You do that! (Sally): When you know you're gonna die a violent death when that's the only way you can die it's all about the waiting for that final storm if the waiting doesn't kill you first.
- Wait, you're telling me that the handyman wasn't in fact a vampire hit man? - Shh! - You had me worried for a sec.
You're not crazy.
You're just a paranoid freak! - Josh, the only way you stand a chance against a being who is stronger than you, faster than you and who loves to kill, is to assume that everyone you meet is one of them.
- Please, don't tell me you're gonna stake the cougar now.
- Go on ahead.
(song): The first thing they tel! you Is to breathe - Oh Is it your blood that makes you heal so fast? - The tattoo guy was wigged out too.
(chuckling) She's a picture you drew - 'Will it stay'? - Forever.
- You're insane.
(chuckling) I'll be in the ground, and you'll still have my name.
Now all you see is the sun Moon and stars I want you to.
- No.
- I trust you.
- Celine you can't trust a vampire.
Not completely.
- You'll stop.
I know you'll stop.
(birds chirping) - I got super lightheaded and chucked it in Trauma.
- Yeah, I think I may have mopped that up.
- People are gonna start to think I'm pregnant.
Which I am.
Look, I think I'm even starting to show which I can't be.
"Whoa! - You're supposed to say you don't see anything.
- Are you supposed to be getting sick this early? - Oh, I don't know! I've never been pregnant before.
Look, I can deal with this pregnancy, but I can't deal with you melting down and this pregnancy.
(sighing) If you want out, you gotta tell me now.
I This is the time.
(sighing) - I'm here.
Okay? So you're keeping it? - I don't I don't know what I wanna do.
I'm not getting an abortion today, that much I know - No, that's good, 'cause I'm I'm working this afternoon, so (chuckling) (sighing) - And my my HCG levels are elevated.
To be accurate, they're off the charts.
- What does What does that mean? - It could indicate multiple fetuses or a birth defect.
I scheduled an ultrasound for this afternoon.
So, hopefully, you can make it.
There are more tests.
We'll figure out what it is.
(siren wailing, horn honking) - Ow.
Bitch! - Still using that pretentious old-school razor, Danny? So dangerous.
What if you cut yourself? (gasping) 'Ah! (grunting) (breathing heavily) - That's what it feels like to die.
(gasping) - This can't be happening.
- I have spent the last two hours trying to figure out a way to show myself without giving you a heart attack.
Although this is an awesome place to be if you do have one.
- For a moment, I thought you were a ghost.
Maybe a deathbed visitation.
- Wait, wait, wait.
Oh, you're not .
Sorry- I should have found a more politic way to say it.
Dying has made me very blunt.
- What's wrong? - It's otherworldly.
You're exactly the same minus the tragic sideburns.
- Uh okay.
Are you gonna tell me what's wrong, or do I have to abuse my considerable lack of authority and steal your file? (Celine sighing) - I had lung cancer years ago.
And I guess it couldn't live without me.
It's back.
All over.
- Well, who's your doctor? Dr.
Corjo? Because he's the best.
- I'm not here for treatment.
Just morphine.
No more chemo, radiation.
I don't wanna eke out another six or nine months retching and sleeping.
Whatever's left, I wanna live it.
I haven't even told my daughter yet.
She thinks I'm getting treated here.
- Your daughter? - Yeah.
That's why I'm in Boston.
She lives here.
- Wha Congratulations.
Um, I'm so happy for you.
(laughing): You know what I mean.
- Mm-hmm.
And what about you? Who's the new girl? And don't tell me there isn't one.
- It's over.
- Even your voice.
You still sound like you're 25.
You could be one of my daughter's boyfriends.
Which makes me the matronly mom.
(scoffing) This is criminal.
I used to be younger than you.
- You're still beautiful.
(scoffing) Take this.
Protect yourself.
- No, no, it's okay.
- I don't wanna hurt you.
- You won't.
(moaning, gasping) (groaning) So, Boston.
This is the last place where I thought you'd be.
(breathing heavily) (knocking) - Put your hand there.
Are you okay? - Yeah.
(both laughing) (knocking continues) - I'm gonna get that.
All right.
- Okay.
Ah - There you are.
- What are you doing here? - You know, it's funny.
I was gonna ask you the same question.
(Celine): Aidan, who's there? - Oh, are you thirsty? I'm thirsty.
It's been a grueling trip.
I don't suppose you'll have her invite me in? - Oh, you're not setting foot in here.
You had no right to track me down.
- What was I supposed to do? You're taking a vacation, you said.
You need a little time to yourself.
Next thing I know, five years go by, and you're nowhere to be found on the Eastern Seaboard.
- And? You don't control me anymore.
I'm free, remember? - Come on, Aidan.
What are you doing? Montreal? Her? Come on, I promised that we were gonna build something bigger than us.
Come home and let's build it.
- I'm not coming back.
- Celine, is it? (sighing) - Well, that's my business.
- Like Jane was my business? - Look, that was 20 years ago.
- And I remember it like it was yesterday.
You're walking on a thread, aren't you? You're trying as hard as you can not to bite a chunk out of her, drain her dry while she's lying there next to you in bed? Hey, I tried that for years with Jane, and it feels like your insides are being stripped into meat.
And for what? To wake up one morning in a bed full of blood? - Your concern is touching, really.
- Oh, you think you can control yourself? Okay.
I'm all for freewill, man.
This is America.
This is still the land of opportunity.
But it's your nature, man.
That still, quiet voice inside you that wants what it wants.
Come on.
It's time.
(church bells tolling) Come home.
(laughing) (phone ringing) (PA beeping) (man speaking over PA, indistinct) (whooshing) - I could've decapitated him.
- You're back! (whispering): Oh, my God! This is great.
No more zombie Sally.
- I think it was slitting Danny's throat open that did it.
Brought me back.
'What? - You saw how weak I was.
After the exorcism, I thought I was gonna blow away.
And then I saw him shaving.
He was so smug.
And I wanted to kill him.
If I had just cut a little deeper, if I had a little more control.
"Whoa! Hey.
You sound like you're interning for Hannibal Lecter.
- You think this is a joke? I'm finally figuring this out.
I cut Danny open and then I was back.
It felt so good.
One shove while he's waiting for the 'II One swipe on the wheel while he's driving.
- No! Why is everyone so kill-happy? (door opening) - We gotta leave Montreal as soon as possible, today.
- Is this you trying to keep the romance alive? - The guy at the door, that was Bishop.
'What? - Celine, come on! Get ready now! - What about my family? - It's better if they don't know, for them.
- Or what? You mean Bishop would kill them? - I'm gonna take care of you, I promise.
- No, no, no! I don't wanna be taken care of! Just turn me! Then Bishop can't hurt me.
And you won't have to be so careful.
- I don't want that life for you.
- You want me to throw away my life and follow you God-knows-where and for how long?! Until you turn me in for the younger model! - You don't think a part of me wants to turn you? Listen, it takes everything I have not to feed and kill.
There are days where all I can think about is blood.
I don't want you to have to fight that or give into it, because you would.
You would hate me if I turned you.
You'd hate yourself.
- No, I only get one life.
You get dozens, hundreds! And you want me to give the best part to you.
I can't spend my life running away from him.
I deserve better than that.
I need some time to think.
- Yeah, you know what? Take your time.
Cool off.
I gotta go get some things, but I am coming back for you.
At 7:00, you can yell at me on the train.
But whatever you do, don't leave the apartment.
- Don't tell me what to do.
- Celine, I'm just telling you what you need to do to be safe.
He can't (sighing) Please, wait for me.
- I don't know.
I don't know anymore.
- Celine, I am coming back.
I'm coming back.
Please I have never felt What I feel for you But I feel as though I know you .
Hey"- So it's official.
Nora's gonna have a litter of were-babies.
- You have to stop this.
- No, there's medical confirmation now, man.
I mean, her her hormone levels are all whacked out.
I'm gonna have to tell her what I am.
I'm gonna have to convince her not to have-- - Werewolves are made, not born.
- Are you delusional? I mean, do you personally know any werewolves who've who've procreated? Whose offspring you've you've examined and know not to be m-m-monsters or deformed? - Are you happy with her? - Yes.
Yes, which is why I wanna kill myself, because I've ruined her life! - Well, then you need to hold onto that, the good part, what you and Nora have.
The rest you can work out when it comes.
- Oh, and Sally's, like, full-on murder ghost now.
Hey, Jenny.
- Hey.
It it's okay.
(Jenny hissing) - Josh! - Oh, my God! - Josh! - What do I do? What do I do? - Stake her in the heart.
(Aidan grunting) (gurgling) (panting) (gasping) - Hey, guys, it's Danny.
I'm out of town for a few days - What? Did I scare you? Good.
- You've got my cell.
- Now you know how it feels, you sick, murdering, piece of-- (machine beeping, door opening) - Guys? (door closing) Guys? - I'm right here, killer.
And guess what I'm better than ever.
- Sally? She told me how to get rid of you.
The medium.
You tried to kill me? Show your face! L wanna see YOU scream.
(scoffing) All right.
- Whoa! Whoa! What are you doing? - You can't haunt our house if there is no house.
- You're gonna burn down our house? Seriously? You're gonna burn down our house? Danny! Come on, get out! Just leave! Come on! Get out, Danny! Oh.
my God! No! No! No! Danny No No Stop it! Get out! Danny! If you're lighting up this house, you're going down with it! .
crap! (grunting) - Maybe this is the best way.
We both go end this craziness.
But not before I torch your nuts and shove them down your throat.
(screaming) - What the hell? - Sally! - He's trying to kill me.
- Aidan, it's Sally! (glass shattering) - You know how long I've wanted to do that? Are you done, my friend? (breathing heavily) .
Are you okay? - You can see her? Sally? - We can see her because we're like her.
'What? 'Ah! - No, no, no, wake up.
Wake up.
(growling) - Don't do it! - He deserves it! Doesn't he? - Sally, if you kill him, he'll be here forever.
He'll haunt you! - Please! Please! I'll never come back! - He's lying! He will never leave you alone! - Listen, I know what it feels like to kill someone.
You cannot live it down! - It doesn't matter! I'm already dead! - You can have the house! I'll give it to you! Please! - We've all killed here, except for you.
We've all killed someone.
Do not do this.
You don't want to do this.
- Unh - No one deserves to die more than you do.
And nobody deserves to kill you more than I do.
But I'm not like you.
(Danny breathing heavily) - Sally - You didn't just get saved.
What you're gonna get, you're gonna pray and cry and wish you were dead.
- Ah (siren bleeping) (indistinct communication) (man): saw what happened.
- What do you want me to say? I did it.
I tried burning down my house, my tenants' house.
- Tell them why you're really here.
(breathing heavily) - But actually I killed my fiance in the house.
- And when did this happen? - My fiance, Sally, she's haunting me.
She's gonna kill me, her and the guys who live here if I don't turn myself in.
- Okay, son.
It's okay.
You're safe with us.
We'll get it all sorted out down at the station.
- Josh - Do you think Sally's okay? - I don't know.
I think she's relieved.
- And Danny? You think he's okay, too? I mean, should we send him something? I'm joking.
I actually can't believe I'm getting that look from you right now.
- You know that You know that I wasn't gonna kill him.
- Yes, you were.
- For Sally.
- Mm.
- And maybe a little bit because of some stuff I've been going through.
- There it is.
- But mostly for Sally.
- When exactly do you think we should have a conversation with her about her taste in men? There's gotta be some nice dead dudes out there.
- You know, Sally's gonna be fine.
She doesn't need you and me hovering over her shoulder with dating advice, either.
- Why? Is that because I'm sitting here waiting for a doctor to tell me whether or not I've impregnated my girlfriend with a mutated wolf baby? (Laughing) ' Whoa! Ahem.
- Caught you talking about me, huh? - No, no.
- No, no, no.
- He's freaking out about the fact that he knocked me up in the break room the one and only time we had sex? (chuckling) - Uh - It's fine.
It's fine.
I get that you would tell your roommate.
- Yeah - Seriously.
- Yeah, no, thank you for that.
But I didn't I didn't tell him about the break room.
And actually I didn't tell him about the the singular-sex part.
- Oh.
- Congratulations.
- Thank you, Aidan.
- Um - Thank you.
- I should go.
(exhaling) - We were just talking about- - Josh, seriously, it's fine! - I know.
I know.
- It's normal! Ah, man What I wouldn't give for normal.
- I'd give my life to be normal.
- Celine you asked me so many times and I think I'm finally ready.
You don't have to die.
You will never be sick, ever, or weak.
It's like raw electricity running through your veins.
Imagine the strongest that you've ever felt, the most vital, the fastest, and double it, triple it times 10, times 20.
- You'd turn me? (sighing) You could've asked earlier, you know? When I was 20 and wanted sex 12 times a day! - But you have had a life and a family, and you can make a better decision than when you were 20.
- Is this about the girl? The one who didn't work out'? - I'm not trying to replace her.
L just I wanna help you.
Who was I to say no to you? I just wanna give you something.
- You do look different.
I can see it now.
It's in your eyes.
They're deepen Older.
(exhaling) I wanted to see who Simone marries.
That's my daughter.
- Hmm.
- If she gets married.
I wanna see her kids, if they have her black hair But if I see them I'll see them grow old and sick and die, and Simone, too.
Ah I think I had my time.
I had fun when I could.
- Why weren't you there when I came back for you'? I don't I don't blame you.
I just I just wanna know, after all this time.
- What is this? - You don't remember? We ran into each other on the road, you silly girl, leaving her apartment like that.
- Where am I? - In a safe place.
A quiet place.
'Ah! (groaning) Dammit! What did you give me? (breathing heavily) Did you turn me? - Oh no, no, no, we just talked.
- Where's Aidan? - You don't have to worry about turning your life upside down for him anymore.
That's over.
You said you had a great time.
- Ah I'm not gonna give up on him! (breathing heavily) Ah! (whimpering) (screaming) - This isn't about you and Aidan.
You are nothing.
You're a fly with the lifespan of a fly.
If he really loved you, if he really thought you were his equal, he would've turned you, like I did him.
My blood is his blood.
He always comes back.
- You mean he's always leaving you, and you always have to drag him back.
(breathing heavily) Unh! (coughing) - I hope you're not going to the station.
Or, say, Canada.
That train left a long time ago.
- He'll hate you forever.
- No.
You'll hate me forever, and Aidan will never know.
To him, you'll always be this little French what's-her-name who left when the going got tough.
- I'll never keep your secrets.
- Hmm What about your family, Celine? Would you keep my secrets for them? It's tiresome, but I'll kill them if I have to.
- No! No! (crying) Kill me instead.
- No.
No, thank you.
I like this.
This is good.
(Aidan): You can tell me.
- I was so young headstrong It was such a long time ago.
You should be celebrating.
You said Bishop's gone now.
- I thought that I was afraid because I was waiting for him to kill me.
But I'm afraid of myself of who I will be without him to hate.
The past 40 years, everything that I've done was me trying to not be him.
- Everything you did was because you wanted to, good or bad.
Hanging it on Bishop, that's a copout.
- Wow.
Is this what you're like with your daughter? A tough mom? (laughing) - Oh, Aidan we were happy.
Figure out how to do it again.
That's what you can give me.
- Oh - What is it? - This is why your hormone levels are abnormal.
You're a little over 14 weeks, not seven.
- What? - No, no, that's not right.
It can't be.
- Is there something wrong with it? - Take a look for yourself.
Fetus looks great.
(sighing) - Excellent growth.
(both exhaling) I'll see you in a month.
(Josh): Thank you.
- She's gotta be wrong about the dates, but you totally impregnated me with a tiny huge-headed alien.
(laughing) (exhaling) - To our future couch (laughing) brought to you by Sally, who is finally free.
(laughing) And to Dad, say goodbye to your life for the next 18 years.
(Josh): Oh, my God! - Um I don't even know what I'm gonna do with myself now that Danny's gone.
- Oh, me neither, because, you know, that saga occupied a lot of my free time.
- I'm gonna go back to med school.
- Ah - I can do that.
I wanna do something for this kid.
I don't want him, or her, to think that Dad is a bed-pan refresher, you know? - I do.
- Yeah.
- And that's awesome.
But, please, drink your martini before it evaporates.
(both): Cheers.
- Cheers.
(laughing) Ah - Oh, crap - Oh, my God How long has that been there for? - You did it.
- Um that's not exactly what I thought it would look like, just hanging there.
Is that crazy? Like, Tony's door was just in the middle of the cemetery, which was also weird.
But this is like-- - Sally.
- I know.
It's just all so sudden.
I'm not mentally prepared.
- You've been waiting for this.
You've earned it.
(exhaling) - I mean, how many ghosts even get justice, right? Except for that chick from The Lovely Bones.
I wish I could take you two with me.
- I guess we all go eventually, right? See you in 60 years.
Give or take.
- Do you know what's there? On the other side?
- Send us pictures.
(screaming) (grunting) Ahhh! (screaming) (Josh): Oh, my God! Oh, my God! Aidan! Oh, my God! Oh, my God! Aidan! Oh, my God! (breathing heavily) Hang in there, man! You're gonna be all right! You're gonna be okay! Aidan! Aidan! Look at me! Look at me! Look at me! Stay with us! Come on, man! You're okay! You're okay! You're okay! You're okay! Aidan?! Aidan? Aidan! Aidan!

Kikavu ?

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Supersympa, 16.04.2024 à 14:31

Bonjour à tous ! Nouveau survivor sur le quartier Person of Interest ayant pour thème l'équipe de Washington (saison 5) de la Machine.

choup37, 18.04.2024 à 08:49

5 participants prennent part actuellement à la chasse aux gobelins sur doctor who, y aura-t-il un sixième?

chrismaz66, 18.04.2024 à 11:04

Choup tu as 3 joueurs de plus que moi!! Kaamelott est en animation, 3 jeux, venez tenter le coup, c'est gratis! Bonne journée ^^

choup37, 19.04.2024 à 19:45

Maintenant j'en ai plus que deux, je joue aussi sur kaa

Viens chatter !