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#106 : Rendez-Vous Contrarié

Ecrit par : Jeremy Carver & Anna Fricke
Réalisé par : Charles Binamé


Marcus exige vengeance de la pire des manières. Aidan et Rebecca finissent par se rapprocher tandis que Sally rencontre un fantôme avec un côté sombre.

Guests : Kaniehtiio Horn (Lindsey) et Paul Burke (Bill).


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Titre VO
It Takes Two To Make A Thing Go Wrong

Titre VF
Rendez-Vous Contrarié

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Sneak Peek

Sneak Peek


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Photo de l'épisode #1.06

Photo de l'épisode #1.06

Photo de l'épisode #1.06

Photo de l'épisode #1.06

Photo de l'épisode #1.06


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Etats-Unis (inédit)
Lundi 21.02.2011 à 00:00

Plus de détails

L'Épisode commence avec la voix off d'Aidan. Il explore la question sur ce qui sépare l'homme et le monstre, on voit Josh qui est suivi et Rebecca filmer une rencontre intime avec une victime.

Danny jette la bague de fiancailles de Sally dans l'eau, ce qui conduit mystérieusement la bague à retomber en bas des escaliers de Sally. Sally et Aidan discutent sur la façon dont Sally pourrait toucher la bague, réponse à laquelle il n'a pas la réponse.

Josh entre dans la cuisine, ses colocataires remarquent qu'il a une nouvelle chemise et qu'il sent l'eau de Cologne tandis qu'Aidan reçoit un DVD mystérieux. Il s'avère que c'est le film de Rebecca. Aidan commence à se transformer en voyant le Dvd yeux. Sally et Josh remettent en question la nature de la vidéo et se demandent s'il ne s'agit pas de quelque chose entre vampires pour s'exciter les uns les autres, mais Aidan se défend que c'est pas le cas. Resté seul, il rembobine et regarde à nouveau la vidéo.

À l'hôpital, Josh et Nora ont une conversation maladroite. Josh parvient à lui demander de sortir et elle accepte de manger quelque chose avec lui. Aidan se dirige vers la maison funéraire où Rebecca l'attend avec Marcus. Ils lui offrent de détruire le DVD si Aidan il leur redonne, mais il ne l'a pas eu avec lui. Retour à l'hôpital, Josh et Aidan discutent qur le rendcard de Josh, Aidan se montre surpris que Nora ait parlé à Josh. Emily les interrompt en larmes. Elle leur dit qu'elle et Jackie ont rompu,qu'elle est sans-abri et qu'elle a besoin de rester avec eux.

A la maison, Sally joue avec la bague et parvient à ouvrir la porte lorsque Danny arrive. Il est là pour réparer l'évier, mais Aidan se jette sur lui tandis que Sally les regarde. Sally secoue la maison, et fait clignoter les lumières. Josh et Aidan essaient d'être normaux en face d'Emily. Ils essaient de calmer Sally.

Emily remarque qu'Aidan est sexy et ils commencent à parler de la vie de Josh. Elle laisse échapper qu'elle a dit à leurs parents, qu'elle l'avait vu. Elle lui dit qu'ils sont inquiets et ne savaient même pas s'il était vivant. Josh lui raconte la situation avec Nora. Emily va à l'intérieur pour boire une bière quand Josh remarque qu'un homme en costume les regarder dans l'immeuble d'en face.

Le lendemain matin, Sally regarde Emily prendre le petit déjeuner. Aidan essaye de parler à Sally par rapport à la bague dans l'espoir de la convaincre elle que le problème est inconscient. Elle commence à se demande comment elle va se venger de Danny.

Dans la cafétéria de l'hôpital, Josh voit Nora et tente maladroitement de faire apparaître leur rencard dans la conversation. Il l'invite à dîner. De Retour chez Danny, Bridget rentre à la maison et le trouve de mauvaise humeur.

Dans sa chambre à coucher, Aidan regarde la vidéo de Rebecca sur son ordinateur portable, il ralentit certains moments pour voir le visage de l'humain. Sally frappe et l'interrompt, en confessant sa profonde satisfaction de jouer avec Danny . Aidan la prévient qu'il ne veut pas la voir dans la vengeance. Sally lui demande s'il est amoureux de Rebecca. Il dit qu'il se sent responsable d'elle.

Plus tard , Josh revient à la maison avec de la nourriture et des fleurs. Emily a fini une bouteille de vodka. Josh suggère qu'ils sortent et leur dit que Nora sur va arriver. Aidan propose de prendre soin d'Emily pour la nuit. Emily se précipite vers la porte pour laisser Nora entrer, suivie de près par Sally.  Emily lui propose un verre de vodka, qu'elle accepte.

Aidan emmène Sally et Emily dans un bar. Sally renciontre un fantôme,une jeune femme qui est décédé d'un anévrisme nommée Lindsey. Sally lui raconte à propose de Danny, et Lindsey semble être d'accord pour une petite revanche.

Rebecca attire l'attention d'Aidan et Emily. Emily se dirige les laisse seuls. Rebecca dit à Aidan qu'elle lui a envoyé le DVD parce qu'elle pense qu'il aime ça.

Retour à la maison, Nora est sur le canapé avec Josh, lui raconte accidentellement qu'il était fiancé. Elle demande ce qui s'est passé. Josh finit par l'embrasser.

Retour au bar, Rebecca avoue qu'elle a peur de Bishop. Marcus est également au bar, il suit Emily dans une ruelle. Avec des amis vampires ils tabassent Emily.

Lindsey dit que son projet est le harcèlement. Elle montre à Sally comment hanter. Elle raconte à Sally qu'être un fantôme, c'est ennuyeux. Sally lui parle de sa porte, ce dont elle n'a jamais entendu parler.

Josh et Nora s'embrassent dans la cuisine avant d'être interrupus par quelqu'un qui  sonne. C'est Bridget, elle est venue redonner la bague à Sally. Sally commence à perdre le contrôle, en secouant de nouveau la maison, surtout après qu'elle est aperçu une ecchymose sur le bras de Bridget.

Rebecca et Aidan sont dans la ruelle, mais Aidan réalise qu'il a perdu Emily. Retour à l'appartement, Nora s'apprête à  partir quand Emily ensanglantée arrive. Nora et Josh l'emmène à l'hôpital tandis que Sally attend sur les marches de l'escalier. Aidan rentre à la maison et sent l'odeur du sang, il se tourne vers Sally et lui demande ce qui s'est passé.

(Aidan): What sets a human apart from a monster; aside from genetics? Aside from the terrible truth? We walk the same streets. We wear the same clothes. You take a breath, and them we am, gulping the same ail: We're walking in your footsteps.

(song): Still I lie silent (Aidan): And even a monster can possess that most dominant of human emotions fear.

We know enough to remember what we once were. We know enough to fear what we can now do. And, like a human, we obsess over love, over fife, over every lost cause (song): I thrill the animal That kills Firing soot From an iron flute That shakes the trees from stem to root Cold wind blow Hail And Stone Rain The Vatican tweets! I hate this decade.

(rattling) Is that you? .

Sorry- - How are you doing that, anyway? You can't--.

- Touch anything, do anything but make the house shake.

I know.

Maybe because it's mine.

Maybe because it's supposed to be on my finger.

- But I thought that Danny took it.

- He did.

- Then how did it get here? - Aidan, I'm pretty much not gonna have the answer to any of these questions.

You look nice.

- Is that You wearing perfume? So it's like a charged object, right? - Right.

So I should do something with it.

- Wait a second.

Hold on.

When you say "do something," you don't mean with Danny, right? - I'm sorry.

Am I supposed to be over the whole wrongful-death thing by now? You were the one who said you'd take care of him.

- Because I didn't wanna see you get hurt.

Hey, listen to me.

The more involved you get, the more caught up you get in revenge.

(footsteps approaching) You will be stuck, Sally.

(Josh sighing) - Is it picture day at school? What's up? - Nothing is up, Okay? You just notice it more because you can't change clothes.

(Josh sighing) Mail call.

Hello, sexy! Is that Rebecca? - Um - Who's Rebecca? - Are you two? - No.

No! 'Oh! Okay, yeah, porn before breakfast? Really? - We don't need to see this.

- Hey, shh-shh-shh! - Stop! I mean, let it (Sally): Whoa! (chuckling) That's a good dress.


- What is this? - Hi, boobs! Oh What? Is she She's a vampire? - Oh, my God! Oh, she's eating his face! She's eating his face! - What is she doing? Oh, my God! - Oh, God! Turn it off! Turn it off! Whoa! - There's so much blood! (Josh): What the hell was that? - Ew, ew, ew! Is that? Is that what vampires do? - They get off on this, don't they? - Some do.

- So is it something you like? 'What? No! Josh No! No.

Someone's just trying to mess with me.

I will get rid of it.

Don't worry.

- I I should, um I should get to work.


(exhaling) Bring your curtain Down (Aidan): We have the same weaknesses as you.

But even this doesn't make us normal.

But it does make us unforgettable.


Hey- - Ahem.


How's your your day going so far? - Oh, not bad.

Fender-bender, enema.

Same old.

- Well, I hope the two weren't related.

- So they sent Mr.

Calambey home? His burns healed nicely.

- Yeah! Minor miracle.

I'm not going anywhere near my deep fryer anytime soon! - How can you even own one of those? The fat alone is just- - Oh, no, I was No, I was kidding.

I was kidding.

Although I'm not past torching a brulée on occasion.

Because men enjoy torching things.


- So you like to cook? - Yeah, I always thought it would be my other profession if I didn't go into Um So I'm in this rehabilitation program.

- Oh! - Yeah.

Trying to prove to Nora Sorgent I'm an upstanding member of society and not a raging ass-hat.

- Hmm.

That must be a new program.

- Is.

- How's it going? - Decent.


Although I'm not really putting in the effort that I'd like.

- Oh, well, one day at a time.

(laughing) - Yeah.

Uh, so I was wondering if maybe you if maybe you might want to eat sometime.

Uh, wow, like tomorrow Because you're not working the night shift, and, hey, neither am I.

So what a serendipitous bit of scheduling.

- Well, I do need to eat.

See you later, doe eyes.

- Well, that was fast.

I told Rebecca you'd be at least another day.

I thought you'd wanna watch it a few more times.

- Can I talk to you alone someplace? - I'm fine here.

- Really? A Porno? That's your big move? - Bishop likes to think of it as a video postcard of sorts.

'Wish you were he - What are you doing? 'What? You didn't like it? - Bishop knows where I stand.

A pathetic snuff film isn't gonna change my mind.

- Fair enough.

Give it back and I'll dispose of it.

Ah! You kept it! - So you do miss me.

- Don't do that.

You you don't want me back.

You ever thought of what might happen? - Yes, it's all I think about.

It's all any of us think about, really.

- You would be nothing all over again, and you know it.

- Yap-yap-Yap You and all the little doggies! (barking) (door closing) I thought you had a hold over him.

I guess I was wrong.

- It would've been fine if you weren't here.

I can do it.

- That's what you keep saying! And yet - Is it true what they say about Aidan and Bishop? - They weren't gods.

Are you in love with him? - What would be the point? (door closing) (sirens wailing in distance) (footsteps approaching) - Ah (exhaling) .

Are you okay? - Yeah, no, I'm good.

I'm Maybe.

Do you think if you mention food to someone and they say they like to eat, technically it's a date? - No.

- No? Well, actually, what she said was: "I guess I have to eat.

- Who?

- Nora. Yeah.

- She's speaking to you? - Yes! And possibly eating with me.

- "I guess I have to eat" - No, yeah. It's not dripping with enthusiasm. But it's not a no.

- It's not a no. Mm-mm.

- Not a no. What?

- You're doing it.

- Don't jinx it! (exhaling) It does make me wonder, though, you know, what that would be like to be someone's boyfriend again. Share a paper, see a movie.

- Sounds like retirement. Is sex in this equation? 'What? Emily

- I'm sorry. I just didn't know where else to go.

- So what brings you here? - How about, "Are you okay, Emily?" - Are you are you okay, Emily? - I know you don't wanna see me Okay'? I get it.

Jackie and I broke up.

- Oh That's rough.

- Thank you.

And I can't keep living in there, and it's too late to find a roommate this semester.

- So - I need a place to crash, okay? - Uh, okay, see, I-- - Aidan's okay with it.

Right? - She's your sister.

(sighing) - How long? - Just till I get back on my feet.

Can I have this cookie? I have seen the most Incredible light In your eyes In your eyes (door buzzing) (door buzzing) I have seen the most incredible light In your eyes In your eyes In your eyes - Hello? - Hello.

So castaway All your pain Hey, did someone call'? Aidan, hey.

Did you call about the sink? - Did We? Uh, yeah, my bad.

Come on in.

(grunting) 'Ah! (choking) What the hell you doing? - You think you'd get away with killing our girl? Any preference? - Just make it hurt.

"Ah-! Ah! (screaming) (Danny screaming) (rattling) (house shaking) - I know.

She disgusts me.

The thought of her like, ugh! She makes me wanna lick a guy from head to toe.

- Get the blood out of the fridge.

- And then the porn? We'll lose the snuff film, right? - I told you I took care of it! - Okay! Hey, listen, a couple of days, right? - Huh? - We were human once.

We can do this! All right.

Come on.

(rattling) What the hell is this? - What's it look like? I'm freaking out.

- No, no, no freaking out! Not now! - Emily's here.

Everyone just be normal.

- How am I supposed to be normal? I need to talk to you.

(exhaling) - And here we are.

- Why are we shaking? - That's your sister? She's so cute! - That's the T The train.

The T train.

- Well, that blows.

- You could crash somewhere else, if-- - Hey! That's your sister.

Tell her she's welcome.

- Make yourself at home.

- I can't even see through the haze of warm and fuzzy! Please tell me you have booze in there.

- Help yourself.

Stop shaking the house right now.

- Yeah, can't.

It's called a crisis.

(shattering) - Not my fault! I swear! - No worries! Try! - Okay, when you whisper to me, it makes me feel like a ghost.

And that makes it worse.


Stop shaking! - Hey, Josh why are there, like, five rump roasts in your freezer? (laughing) - Are there? - Okay, so dinner, right? What do people like to eat? What do we, the people, like to eat? - Aidan's hot.

(laughing) Sometimes I wish I was into that.

Jackie would so freak! - Yeah, you don't wanna That is complicated.

- Um, yeah, part of the appeal! How's things going on your front? - Oh, good.

Work's good.

- Girls, Josh.


Are you okay? Because last time, you weren't.

- Yeah.

Look, I I know l said some things I apologize.

- Forget about it.

You owe me one.

Hey, uh I told Mom and Dad I saw you.

- Whoops.

But, see, there you go.

All even! - Em - You're their son! They're worried about you.

They didn't even know you were alive.

- What did you tell them? - What do you think? Everything.

(exhaling) - Well (clearing throat) since you asked, I did ask someone out.

And it's vaguely possible that she said yes.

- You dog, you! - It's not like I mean, we haven't, you know, yet.

- Mm-hmm.


So don't care! (laughing) Another beer? (door opening, closing) (door opening) - You coming? The food's getting cold.

'What? (Aidan laughing) Yeah, right.


- I know.

It sucks.

(sighing) I could make you feel so much better if you could actually hear me.

My fiance killed me.

I guess you're happy things didn't get that bad with what's-her-name.

I bet you wanna get back at her.

Right? Make her feel bad? Because what is she really doing? She's just gallivanting around, right? Totally fine with the fact that she decimated you.

Don't you feel like we should do something? - Good morning! Oh, apples! - This place is freezing.

I'm getting a sweater.

(sighing) 'What? - I know you're frustrated.

- Frustrated? Ha! I'm dead.

- I think maybe that ring is maybe what's making you so jittery.

You should get rid of it.

- I can't.

It's attached to me.

It's basically a murder weapon, you know? It's the reason I died.

- So you've tried to get rid of it? - Let's go back to when you wanted to rip his head off.

I like that, Aidan.

Yes, I've tried to get rid of it! Whatever I do it comes back to me.

It's like when it fell down the drain in the first place.

The house wouldn't rest until it came back to me.

- I've been thinking about it.

It wasn't the house.

It was you.

(exhaling) - I need to do something.

- Like what? - Like push Danny down every staircase in Boston.

Like make him see my face in every shadowy hallway.

Like like make him choke on this damn ring every time he takes a bite of food.

You think I wanna be shaking this house? I wanna shake his very existence! But this This is all I have.

(rattling) - You know what? Let me Let me get her coffee.

- You don't have to do that.

- No, really.


Thank you.

So - So - Sol hope this doesn't count as our date, because I was really hoping to do better than cafeteria coffee.

- Well, you'd at least have to spring for a croissant to get in my pants.

- Oh - I'm I'm kidding.

- Right.


Me too.

So we are having a date? - I thought so.

Is this a thing that you do? You turn it around so the girl ends up asking you out? Slick! - No, I just wasn't su Okay.

So dinner at my place.

Here (chuckling) is my address.

So now you have it.

- I will treasure this cup always.

- See, you want me to think that you're joking, but I really have no way of knowing.

Maybe you have a treasure trove of stalker paraphernalia.

- Yes, because I'm the strange one here.

- Exactly! - Yeah.

(laughing) - Um okay.

I'll see you tonight.

(giggling) - Okay.

- All right.

- Hello? Danny? Oh, God! Why didn't you say anything? - Are you messing with me, Bridg? - What are you talking about? I just got here.

- Then what the hell is this? - Ah - Are you messing with me? - Slop! Danny, you're hurting me! (sirens wailing in distance) - You still watching that? - Oh, don't do that! - I could come back.

- Shh .

Sorry- It's just Emily's drinking alone downstairs and it's all starting to feel creepy and lonely.

(Aidan exhaling) - What's going on? - I messed with Danny with the ring.

And it felt really briefly satisfying.

Is that awful? (exhaling) - I don't wanna see you do anything that will mess with your karma, you know? - Oh.

- Hey, look, I lived through the '60s, a few of them.

I can talk about karma without irony.

- Are you in love with Elvira? - Rebecca? Um I feel responsible for her.

- Why? She looks like she can take care of herself.

- Maybe.

(song): Make peace with the dead Make peace with the dead - Oh, yum! - Relax.

(coughing) I got another bottle of vodka.

- What? I don't even drink vodka.

- Oh, so that was all me.

- You know what? You should go out.

Just, you know, be young, wild.

As soon as possible.

I have a date.

- Oh, yeah! That girl whose pants you're too scared to unbutton'? - Yes.

Thank you.

(Emily laughing) - What do you say? - Mind if I brown-bag it? - You can do whatever you want.

- She cannot do whatever she wants.



- Relax narc.

- Yeah, no, great, you go ahead.

I'll stay here, do nothing.


- You know what? Why don't you all go out and just have a great time? (door buzzing) - Mm-hmm.

- I'll get it! - I'll get it! - No! You stop now! No, no, no! (Emily giggling) - Oh, hello.

- Hi! - Nora, Emily.

That's my leaving sister.

Come in.

Come on in.

- Josh, she is so hot! Look at her boobs! I've always wanted boobs like that.

- Come in! Come in! How about a vodka shot? - Emily, she doesn't want a vodka shot, okay? She's an adult.

- One shot.

- Ooh! (laughing) You have to follow again - You're gonna have the best night! We feel gone We feel gone We feel gone (dance music) - This doesn't suck.

- You want a drink? - I've been drinking since breakfast.

All right, I'm going in.

Hmm, feels like a redhead kind of night.

- Hey! Just have fun.

- Your description of this place? Not accurate.

I ended up in what might've been the basement of a serial killer.

You should probably look into that.

I'm never going out again.

Human boys.

- He doesn't know what he's missing! - Seriously.

Freaking eunuch.

Oh! Let's go pour a drink down his pants.

His junk will shrink like a toe in a tub.

Hmm? - Josh, this is shockingly good! (laughing) - Thank you.

But the torch really did the heavy lifting.

(laughing) - Who has a kitchen torch besides Martha Stewart and her newlywed minions? That's something you register for and never take out of the box.

- Yeah, that's what my fiance said.

- What, you were engaged? Were you married? - Uh, no, no.

Um - What happened? - It's along story.

Um it just didn't end well.


Too young? - Yeah.

Um I changed.

- You answer questions like an escaped convict.

- What? - Mm-hmm.

- Yeah? - Mysterious.

- Yeah - Not too much detail.

- Well, the details would bore you.

I'm a Jewish kid from Ithaca.

- As in "Ithaca is Gorges"? - Yes.

(laughing) - Cute, doe eyes! What about college? - MIT - Shut up! - Yeah, anyone can get in.

- Screw you! What are you doing folding hospital corners? - Life experience.

More wine? I should get more wine maybe.

This is gone.


(dance music) - Lindsey.




Oh at your age? - I know; right'? 'Wicked tragic! So how'd you bite it? - My fiance killed me.

- Shut up! - Can't.

- Oh! Wow! How mad are you? - I desperately wanna wreak havoc on Danny, but my friend Aidan thinks it's a bad idea, like I'll be stuck here or something.

- That's a bunch of bull! You're just supposed to let Danny get away with it? - Yes, that's what I think.

But he's-- - No, we'll figure it out.

Screw Aidan! No one gets what we're going through but us! Oh, honey, you're so happy you've met me! (heart beating) - Holy mother.

That looks like a girl that forgot her underwear.

- What are you doing here? - Painting the town red.

Wanna come? - Okay, so, I'm gonna go to a place that is not here.

- I like your new girlfriend.

- That's Josh's sister.

- Are you running a kennel now? She didn't smell like a bitch.

- I don't have anything to say to you.

- You wouldn't have shown up the other day looking for me if you had nothing to say.

- You are a lost cause.

- Wow! We have eternity and you're really gonna give up now? They sent you that DVD because they think I affect you.

- Brilliant! - Pretend I don't.


I spend half my time trying to forget about you, too.

I give up.

- I like these plates.

They've got character.

- Thanks.

Yeah, we found 'em at a flea market.

Aidan had a few from an old set, so - Is that how you two ended up living together? Your love of vintage china? - Um actually, no.

We, uh we met in a fight.

Well, sort of a fight.

It was I was being fought.

Pummeled, really.

- So you're an antiquary, not a fighter.

Much hotter.

- Seriously? - No.

But that's okay.

(song): What is the way - You're scared.

I saw it.

- Before or after I ripped that joker's neck off, I loved it.

Even if I didn't, I'm supposed to disobey, go against King Bishop? You killed me, but he made me.

- At the hotel, I looked up and you were gone.

- I thought I was doing you a favour.

- By going back to Bishop? To Marcus? You're probably just doing their bidding by talking to me now! - I was.

Marcus brought me here tonight.

- Oh, God, Rebecca! - Why do you think I'm telling you this? I'm coming clean.

I can't do this.

What do you want from me? I'm screwed, Aidan! Anything I do! You know that! - I shouldn't have let you walk inside that night.

I should've just walked away and let you live your life.

- I wasn't living it that well.

Opposite opposite opposite opposite opposite opposite (sirens wailing in distance) (door Opening) opposite opposite opposite - Can I help you with that? - I'm a skirt chaser, babe.

But I'll take a light if you got it.

(dance music) (dance music) - So do you come here a lot? - I go wherever he goes.

- Who's that? - That's the douche who went on without me You can call him Bill.

- Huh.

- Coming to these places night after night, trolling for some girl dumb enough to lick his rotted herpes face for a night, it makes me sick.

Let's go say hi! Hmm? - Please don't.

- So what are you gonna do? - I don't know.

What do you feel like? Make him think he's seeing maggots in his whisky? Make his teeth fall out while he talks up a slut? (Lindsey giggling) - You can do that? - I can make him think that's what it's happening.

See, that's why you look so sad, honey.

You're wasting your time trying to be a ghost.

Being a ghost is boring! - I know.

- But a poltergeist Delicious! - What are you saying? - Get 'em off! Get 'em off me! Get out of the way! Move! Get it off me! (laughing) - Danny can't even hear me! How do you do that? - Honestly, for the first five years, I couldn't do squat.

But for the past 15, hello! I know I should probably just kill him, right? Buzz kill! - Fatal Attraction ghost.

Wow! (laughing) So what about your door? - My What? - Your door.

You know; how you move on.

- Move on to what? I'm sorry, babe, I gotta go.

Bill hasn't gotten his rocks off in five years.

You know why'? Vigilance! Well, come find me sometime, yeah? We'll get your guy- (giggling) (breathing heavily) - Well, now! - Sorry, did I? - Relax.

I've got a good right hook if I need it.

- Okay.

Just Am I being too'? - You're being too polite.

- Yeah, I just I just wanna make sure.

Yeah - What happened to you? (door buzzing) (both breathing heavily) - Just - Yeah, okay.

(exhaling) - Ah, jeez! .

Sorry, sorry.

You were heavy petting, so I hid here.

- Who are you talking to? - Who the hell is here this late? Yes? - Bridget? - Bridget.

- Have we met? - No, sorry.

I'm Josh.

- Oh, right, the boyfriend.

'What? - Um I think this belongs here.

- Isn't this Danny's? - It's not Danny's.

It's mine.

(rattling) - Ahem.

- Just put it somewhere, okay'? I'm pretty sure it belongs here.


Okay' - Bridg - Good night.

- Uh - Where to? - Uh I gotta go.

'What? - I gotta I left Emily and it's late.

I should take her home.

- You're kidding me, right? - L I really No.



L gotta go- - So let the dog catcher take her home.

Come on.

Ugh, I'm not doing this for Bishop.

I told you, to hell with them.

Doesn't that mean anything to you? - Yes.

Yes, it does.

It really does.

But I I can't get into it tonight.


Ugh Ugh.

Maybe they have a point.

Marcus and the rest.

At least they stick together.


L-m sorry- - Ahem - You know, you, um you really don't have to go.

- It's late.

I should.

(sighing) (door opening) Did you arrange this or something? - I swear - Oh, my God! - Josh .

Em! Oh, no! What happened? What happened? - I'm sorry, Josh.

I know you guys wanted to be alone - I'm sorry.

I-- - No, we're taking her to the hospital.

Let's go.

- I don't need to.

I I don't want you guys to-- .

Hey, hey.

We're going, Okay? We're going.

Can you stand? Can you walk? - Mm-hmm.

- All right, come on. Maybe there's a weight on the way the stars wait For light a day And the way light moves

- Where are they?

- The hospital.

Kikavu ?

Au total, 35 membres ont visionné cet épisode ! Ci-dessous les derniers à l'avoir vu...

05.08.2023 vers 22h

30.04.2023 vers 07h

25.04.2019 vers 18h

10.02.2018 vers 22h

04.02.2018 vers 21h

02.08.2017 vers 19h

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choup37, 18.04.2024 à 08:49

5 participants prennent part actuellement à la chasse aux gobelins sur doctor who, y aura-t-il un sixième?

chrismaz66, 18.04.2024 à 11:04

Choup tu as 3 joueurs de plus que moi!! Kaamelott est en animation, 3 jeux, venez tenter le coup, c'est gratis! Bonne journée ^^

choup37, 19.04.2024 à 19:45

Maintenant j'en ai plus que deux, je joue aussi sur kaa

CastleBeck, Aujourd'hui à 11:48

Il y a quelques thèmes et bannières toujours en attente de clics dans les préférences . Merci pour les quartiers concernés.

Viens chatter !